I Don't...

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Shuichi had been acting strange. Everyone was quick to noticed that. At first, the rest of the students just ignored it. But it had got to a point where it was becoming a big concern.

Shuichi had become more sluggish and he was registering things much slower. He could barely register when someone entered the room. Shuichi had reassured everyone that he was just tired, but after 4 days, that statement was becoming less and less believable. Maki and Kaito had to ban Shuichi from their usual late-night training sessions and force him to rest.

The only advantage to this was that everyone was too worried about Shuichi to kill anyone. Monokuma and his so-called 'children' were completely ignored as everyone's attention was now on their blue-haired detective friend.

. . .

Shuichi was rubbing his forehead and quietly groaning as Tsumugi brought him a plate of dinner. He had huge dark circles under his eyes and he was breathing a little bit louder than normal. He didn't even thank Tsumugi for the food the way he would always do. Kaito sat next to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Sidekick..." he said in an unusually quiet and worried voice. "You need to rest. Like, now."

"Shumai..." Kokichi said from across the table. "You don't look so good... Actually... that's a lie. You look like shit."

"And don't even bother telling us that you're 'just tired'" Maki said.

Shuichi slowly drank a whole cup of water. He gave a weak nod.

"Yeah..." he managed to breathe out. "I... think you're right..."

He slowly got up, but not before stumbling on the leg of his chair. If it wasn't for Maki's quick reflexes, Shuichi would've fallen to the floor.

"Thank you... Maki..." Shuichi's smile was tired as he balanced himself. He was about to head to his room when Kaito got up.

"Here, I'll help you."

Kaito wrapped his strong arms around Shuichi's thin body, helping him to keep upright.

"Thanks..." Shuichi said, his voice fading in the air.

As the two slowly made their way to the dorms, Kaito quickly noticed just how weak his friend had become. Shuichi had to lean his whole weight on Kaito but he could barely feel his grip on his jacket, Shuichi's steps were way too slow to be healthy and he looked like he was about to faint at any second. When the two had finally made it to the dorm building, Shuichi had pushed Kaito off and was now using a shaky arm to lean on the wall.

"Thank you, Kaito..." Shuichi whispered. "Again..."

"No problem, man," Kaito tried to smile, but even Shuichi could tell that he was fake, and Shuichi could barely see his own hand properly. "Just try to get some proper rest... ok?"

Shuichi smiled, nodded, and closed his bedroom door. Kaito just stood there for a while after that, thinking to himself. He sighed and walked off.

The next morning, Maki was the first to notice that Shuichi had neglected to lock his door and immediately informed everyone. No matter how much yelling and shaking Kaito and Kokichi did, Shuichi didn't even stir.

Shuichi didn't wake up that day, or the next day, or the day after that. He just lay, completely still, in his bed, like a statue. Kaito, Maki and Kokichi visited him every day without fail. For once, Kaito and Kokichi were able to stay in the same room without ripping each other's throats out (of course, Maki had her role to play in that).

Miu, was also a huge help and quickly developed a machine that would supply Shuichi with enough food and water as he slept.

Shuichi's eyes only opened on the 4th day. Kokichi was absolutely delighted to see his golden pupils again, even if it was only a little bit.

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