Blind Shuichi Snippets

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This is part of my Blind Shuichi AU (Chapters: "Son of a Legend" & "The Ultimate (Blind) Detective"). Also, shit-post/crackfic

All of these are mostly jokes, Shuichi would probably never behave this way

Kaito: *staring at a sheet of paper* How do you read this? 

Kaito: Ah sidekick! Just the guy I need. You're smart, help me read this. *gives Shuichi the paper*

Shuichi: *silence*

Shuichi: *stares at Kaito*

Kaito: What?


Everyone who just finished watching the flashback light: *starts panicking because of the apparent meteorite*

Shuichi, who had zero reaction to the flashback light because of his blindness: Mhm, mhm. Bad meteorite. 


Maki: "Geez, I have to act nicer! Ugh... no one told me that acting was so hard... If I keep acting cold and distant then everyone's gonna find out that I'm the Ultimate Assassin..."

Shuichi, who was drinking tea 6 rooms away: "Mhm. Mhm. Interesting..."


Kokichi: Isn't that right... Miss Ultimate Assassin?

Everyone: *shock*

Shuichi who knew from the very beginning: ......

Shuichi: GASP! OMG Maki, you're an assassin?! I can't believe it!


Tsumugi: You're too much of a threat, my dear detective. So... I'm going to have to get rid of you.

Tsumugi: *sets up the brainwashing video* Puhuhuhu... soon, you'll be my slave... *the video plays*

Shuichi: ... 

Shuichi: *absolutely unaffected* What exactly am I supposed to be seeing here? 


Kiibo: Look! A shooting star! Shuichi, make a wish!

Shuichi: I wish that my seeing-eye robot would stop forgetting that I'm blind.

Kiibo: ...

Kiibo: Come on, IT WAS ONE TIME!



Angie: *giggling* Kaito, Tenko's ribbon is behind her head.

Kaito, pointing to his very bad painting of the class: This is her head!

Shuichi, smiling: It looks just like her to me.

Kaito: Thank you, sidekick! I worked really hard on it.

Kiibo: *stares at Shuichi*


Kaito, lying down on the grass, admiring the stars: Aren't the stars beautiful? 

Maki: They really are...

Shuichi, slightly jealous and also confused: Yeah... SO pretty.


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