[New Book]

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Thoughts and feedback pls?

Cover: (It kinda sucks bc I just grabbed a bunch of pictures from google and edited it together on Canva)

Cover: (It kinda sucks bc I just grabbed a bunch of pictures from google and edited it together on Canva)

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He's free. Shuichi Saihara is free.

...Free from what? He's confused and fearful, yet curious, but he doesn't let the question linger on his mind too much. He chooses to listen to the words of others and decides to be grateful for his current life instead of lingering on the past.

But his curiosity ensnares him and the question constantly plagues his young and intelligent mind. He asks humans, but they all turn their back on him, telling him that ignorance is bliss. Shuichi Saihara turns to the world instead, quietly begging the skies and the earth for answers. However, their enciphered whispers and riddled songs only bewilder him even more.

Shuichi Saihara doesn't ask for much. All he wishes for is a good life. One that is peaceful. One that is *safe*. He works hard, abiding by the rules and although he may not entirely agree with it, he never crosses the line between the "good" and "bad".

Shuichi Saihara is trying his best to live his life. But it's proving difficult when he realises just how *different* he is from everyone else. He's outcasted. And he doesn't like it. He wants to fit in. He wants to be normal. So when a girl with long lavender hair offers him her hand, he only hesitates a little before taking it.

Hajime Hinata is drowning.

The waters are cruel, the coldness of their waters biting at his skin as their waves hurl the boy here and there. Heavy chains only drag him down further as he desperately struggles to swim back to the surface, to the light of the sun. He grabs onto anything that can help him up, but brittle twigs can only bring him upwards a little bit before they snap under his weight.

Strange black strings made of an unknown substance flow downwards. Their tendrils offer an escape. They offer a *chance*. Hajime Hinata grabs them without a second thought, using them to pull himself out of the constricting sea. However, once he reaches the surface, he's met with a horrifying sight, and Hajime Hinata knows that he's made a grave mistake.

(I think the blurb is too long but eh)

Note: This is basically the full book of 'Masquerade' and 'Bonds'

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