This Day

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Note: I've changed a few lyrics to suit the story better so please excuse it if the song and the rhymes might sound a bit weird

ALSO, I highly recommend listening to the Japanese cover of "This Day Aria". It's seriously amazing

A young boy, with silky blue hair and beautiful golden eyes, sat in front of his mirror, in a dorm room, smiling at his perfect reflection as he did the finishing touches to his mascara. Today was the day, and he couldn't be any more excited.

This day is going to be perfect

The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small

Everybody will gather 'round

Grovelling before me on the ground

What they don't know is that I have fooled them all

A young boy, with silky blue hair and beautiful golden eyes, lay weakly on the stone floor of a prison cell. Blood trickled from his mouth as he let out loud coughs. His long lashes fluttered up and down as the boy struggled to remain conscious and the light in his eyes was slowly fading.

This day was going to be perfect

The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small

Led astray, straight to their doom

Seeking the one and only truth

Those ringing bells, they may just be what kills us all

The boy from the dorm room sang to himself as he walked around the dorm room that didn't belong to him, eyeing all the photos of smiling people lying neatly around.

I could care less about their distress

Their lives shall be my ultimate prize

Vows? Well I'll be lying when I say

"That through any kind of weather

I'd want us to be together"


He snatched all of the photos and threw them into the air as he cackled. As the photos fell back onto the ground like scattered leaves in autumn, the boy from the dorm room turned back to his reflection, smiling vainly as he admired his reflection. 

A fair boy with beautiful dark hair and gleaming eyes stood in front of the mirror. A different boy with black and white hair, split in half, and red eyes stared back. Both grinned evilly and laughed with nothing but malice.

A liar hides behind these eyes

When I win, despair shall rise

So I still need them to be MINE!

The boy from the prison cell had escaped. He dragged his feet and forced himself to walk along the walls of the secret facility he had been imprisoned within. But he was too weak; the illness residing in him had already eaten up all of his strength. He walked incredibly slowly, each step pained.

I must escape before it's too late

Find a way to save the day

The boy from the prison cell reached a split in the hallway. He was too weak. He coughed loudly, his lungs desperate for a bit of air, spluttering fresh blood everywhere as he collapsed onto the floor.  

Hope, I'll be lying if I say

"I don't fear that I may lose them

To one who wants to use them

Not care for love and laugh with them each day"

The boy from the prison cell could see those people below from the one-way window beside him. His eyes lit up again, just a bit, and slowly, agonizingly, he got up. As he took another step, he smudged blood over the walls as he used them for support. Through blurry vision, he saw a pointed sign that read: "Control Room". He immediately headed in that direction.

For I oh so cherish them

In my heart they shine like gems

Wait for me, my family

I'll make sure this all ends

The boy from the dorm room met up with the others. As he and the others went down the elevator, and entered 

Finally, the moment has arrived

For them to believe all of my lies

The boy from the prison cell threw the doors of the control room open. He was weak and exhausted. He was living on borrowed time. His breath was heavy and laboured and blood continued to leak out of his mouth.

But there was no time for that. 

There was a huge table full of different coloured buttons. They were all labelled, but the wording was too small for the boy to make out with his blurry vision. On the wall, there was a big yellow lever. Above it was a label with big bold letters that read: EMERGENCY SHUT DOWN. It was exactly what the boy needed.

The boy from the prison cell reached for the lever. But he tripped and collapsed on the floor, too weak to get up again.

Hope was 2 feet away from him. He slowly, and desperately, reached for the lever. But deep down, the boy knew that he wouldn't have the strength to pull it down.

Oh the trial I won't make

They'll end up trusting in a fake

All my friends will be 

The boy from the dorm room's smile grew until his smile reached his ears.


All Mine


Shuichi Saihara OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now