Blood is Blood

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A young boy with blue hair walked alone through the bustling hallways of Hopes Peak Academy. Being a student at the most famous academy ever after was pretty hard. Since the school doesn't accept applicants, getting in was nigh impossible, but if you do manage to get scouted, your fame factor immediately gets a +10000000. 

It's not like he didn't mind being famous, it's just that, being famous and being an Ultimate came with so many responsibilities. You have to have a good reputation for the things you do, interviews, paparazzi, blah blah blah...

Of course, there were benefits to being an Ultimate; he's gotten a lot more customers ever since he became one and his oldest (and most loyal) ones congratulate him every day and continuously joke about it, telling the boy not to forget them and not to get too cocky.

He would never be too pompous, he didn't care much for the people around him, but there was this one person... He was amazing... superior to him in every way. He was perfect, at least, to the boy. Beautiful, smart, kind... He would do anything and everything to keep that bright smile on his face.

As he stashed his textbooks in his locker, his mind began to wander.

"I wonder if he'll be back soon... I hope he likes my gift..." the boy continued to think to himself, scribbling and doodling in the small notebook he always kept on him and muttering quietly, earning curious looks that quickly went away after 3 seconds. The senior students here were no strangers to stuff like this. Hopes Peak has always been a magnet for the wacky and quirky, something like muttering to oneself was normal. Suddenly...

"Yo! Shuichi! OVER HERE!" 

The voice was loud, REALLY LOUD. Like... thunder-clapping-next-to-your-mansion loud. As the boy looked over to see a tall boy with magenta hair and a goatee that made him look kind of old. He recognized him immediately, the boy was pretty famous. 

The boy never really paid a lot of attention to gossip, unlike a certain pink girl, but he had a good idea of what exactly was going around the school. The latest trends, the biggest scandals, stuff like that. The guy that was shouting at him was the Ultimate Astronaut. He was apparently a little egotistical, calling himself "The Luminary of the Stars", and kinda dumb too. His name was... what was his name again...? Not Kiibo, that's the robot guy...

AH! Kaito! Kaito... something.

Kaito made his way over to the confused boy and grabbed his hand.

"Whatcha doing?" he asked, peering in an attempt to see what his "friend" was drawing. Keyword: attempt. The boy snapped the notebook shut faster than a person could say "Yeet". 

"Man, your no fun sidekick." the goatee man whined, still gripping tightly to his wrist, but not enough to hurt him. Does this guy have some sort of deep relationship with Shuichi? 

"ANYWAY! C'mon! Let's go, everyone else is already waiting. Also, did you change?"

"O-oh..." the boy said, stuttering, trying to pry the other's fingers off his arm and failing miserably. "T-there must be some mistake... I... I'm not..."

The boy only grinned smugly, as if he was proud of something. He said, his voice still loud to a point where it was almost deafening to be standing beside him, "No excuses! I won't fall for that! Come on bro, time to get you out of that "shy guy" shell!"

The older then proceeded to drag the younger out of the school. The boy kicked and thrashed around helplessly, demented, desperate, and most importantly, confused as hell. Meanwhile, everyone in the hallway watched and laughed like the assholes they were. 

He was forced to spend the rest of his day wasting time with a bunch of people he barely knew. He deserved a grammy award for all the times he didn't facepalm at everyone stupidity. The number of ridiculous ideas they came up with was truly an achievement. 

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