[I have a question]

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Like the title says... my question:

Let's say... that someone has lived life for one year. ONE SINGULAR YEAR! 

What if that person has a bunch of memories and experiences worth at least 2 whole generations in their brain? And they can recall it all in extreme detail too, as if they've lived through all those experiences themselves?

What if (maybe their growth was accelerated for a short period of time) they look like a teenager/adult?

So this person... TECHNICALLY, they're only 1 year old. Technically. But they look mature, speak very sophisticatedly and have experienced/lived through multiple lifetimes. 

You can also use all those reincarnation animes/novels as a template. Someone has lived a whole damn life, died and then got transmigrated into a younger body.

Would you consider someone like this a child or would you consider them a full-fledged teenager/adult?

(Please answer I need to know. I'm begging y'all to comment here)

Now, let's flip the question around.

Let's say... someone else (this is a different person now) has lived—meaning they've been breathing, blinking, seeing, hearing, whatever—for... let's say 15 years. So they're a teenager.

However, this person has been... let's say... kidnapped since childhood and spent a massive chunk of their life trapped in the basement with no way out. So, throughout all those years, they've learned basically nothing and their mental state is still equivalent to that of a child's.

Now let's imagine that this person gets out, but their memories get erased, so they can only remember the first few years of their life.

It's basically the same question as the one above, just flipped around. 

Would you determine this person's age depending on the years they've lived or by how old their brains are?

Also, I'd like to say that I won't be updating this book often as I'm working hard on "Within the Shadows of Hope", my new fanfiction! I promise that I won't rush it the way I did with "Danganronpa: Reincarnation" and I'll do my best to make the story and the characters as fully fleshed out as possible

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