The Ultimate Matchmaker- Part 2

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In Shuichi's conquest to get everyone in his class a lover, he quickly realized that there were a few of his classmates who either didn't need a lover (as they didn't bother Shuichi) or couldn't have a lover. Gonta Gokuhara, The Ultimate Entomologist, and Ryoma Hoshi were two examples of this. Ryoma was older than the rest of the class and was still mourning the death of his past lover, so manipulating him into a relationship would be a bit too cruel. And Gonta grew up in the forest and was even more clueless about love than Shuichi was. Plus, the two never talked much.

Shuichi had just finished solving a major case, all on his own, when his parents, the owners (mainly his mom) of the detective agency Shuichi worked in, came in. It was just then that another detective bumped into Shuichi. She was holding a cup of instant ramen, so when she bumped into Shuichi, her food spilt all over Shuichi's hair. 

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"I-It's ok ma'am. I-It's not that big of a deal. E-everyone makes m-mistakes..." Shuichi said with a smile. Unfortunately, it was at that moment that Junko Enoshima and Mukuro Ikusaba decided to barge through the doors. Junko shrieked in horror as she saw Shuichi. 

"HOW DARE YOU RUIN MY SHU-SHU'S HAIR?! WE JUST WENT TO A SALON AN HOUR AGO! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I PAID FOR THAT?! ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE HIM LOOK LIKE A FOOL ON PURPOSE?!" she yelled. The woman was ballistic! No matter how much Shuichi insisted that it was ok, she refused to listen. By the time she was done ranting, the poor lady ran out of the agency in tears. Shuichi was just about to shout at his aunt when his mother stopped him.

"You know nothing stops that girl when she's angry." Kyoko said. Mukuro nodded in agreement. Makoto laughed as he looked at Shuichi.

"You look like your mother when she fell down that-"

Kyoko slapped her hand over her husband's mouth as fast as she could. Meanwhile, Junko had given Mukuro gloves and now the soldier was quickly cleaning the gunk out of Shuichi's hair. Junko grabbed his hand and started dragging him away.

"Y'all lovebirds can congratulate your son on his big accomplishment later! Right now, Shu-shu needs an emergency hair appointment." Junko tapped her phone then groaned audibly. "They're all full?! It's ok darling, I'll get my personal hairstylist immediately!"

And Shuichi was dragged away by his aunts with a ramen cup in his hair.

What did Dad mean when he said that I looked like Mom? Did Mom also have a ramen cup in her hair during a small period of her life?

Ah... Aunty's poking my face. 

My eyebrows are absolutely fine! They don't need trimming! W-Wait is that a- OH HELL NAW! AUNTY! AUNTY NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

. . .

My eyebrows have been violated with tweezers... I'm traumatized...

I don't wike you anymore Aunty Junko... You're evil!

Shuichi didn't voice out a single one of his thoughts as the three sat in the limo. Mukuro was staring out the window, surveying the civilians while Junko sighed happily and played with Shuichi's silky dark locks.

"Oh! B-T-Dubs Shu-Shu, how's your little matchmaking thing with your class going? Izuru told me that you called him and Teruteru to help with some girl's horrible cooking."

"Oh yeah! That's Maki. Kaito was really impressed with her cooking and the desired effect has already taken place! They're hanging out a lot together and not as much with me, which is great!" Shuichi told her, his sunny eyes shining even brighter than usual. "I've studied for 17 hours this weekend, to make up for all the hours that I've missed."

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