1 Genius, 1 Grave

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I've realized that all I'm doing for this book is basically taking a bunch of ideas, mixing them together, and dumping them onto a fictional character whom I like (because it's easier). I'm just erasing "Shuichi Saihara" and making a new one using his (handsome) face and name. Does this still classify as "fanfiction" anymore?

I still adore this book and my stories though.

BTW, some parts in this chapter might be really bad because I suck at writing emotional moments.

What is a person's reaction when they discover a "genius"? You would think that they would be overjoyed, correct? If so, then you are not wrong. All individuals will always be prone to fawn and dote over those who they see as "genius". It is simply the nature of all living beings. 

But, of course, in every world, there is no white without black. There is no pleasing everyone. Blinding bright lights cannot exist without creating large dark shadows. There will always be those who envy, and to an extension, despise, the outstanding and talented.

That begs the question: what exactly is a "genius"? The dictionary definition of the word "genius" is "someone, or something, of exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability". 

Everyone is extraordinary, to at least one other person. Does that make everyone in the world a "genius"? If so, wouldn't the word "genius" lose its meaning? If everyone is a "genius", the atypical become the typical, the abnormal become the normal, the rare become the common, the exceptional become the unexceptional. If everyone is a "genius", no one is a genius.

So what is a "genius"? What exactly defines a "genius"? 

Nothing is without its price. So, knowing that, is being a "genius" a good thing?

Shuichi Saihara pondered that question every day.

. . .

Shuichi Saihara, was a being that society would quickly elect to label as a "peculiar child"; a "freak". According to the rest of the world, there was something wrong with him. They weren't wrong, Shuichi himself knew that, better than anyone. 

There was indeed something wrong with, well, every aspect of the young boy, but no one could put a pin on exactly what that "something wrong" was. Maybe it was the fact that Shuichi seemed to have absolutely no connection to the world he lived in. Maybe it was the fact that he refused to step out of the house, isolating himself in the house with his books and computer.

Seizosha Saihara, the single mother of Shuichi, wasn't disappointed, but more, concerned. From the first day that boy was born, Sozosho immediately knew that she would not be getting the normal, regular child she had so hoped for. In fact, Seizosha Saihara didn't even know what she gave life to.

Seizosha and her son lived in a small but powerful and peaceful kingdom called Novoselic. There, the citizens lived under the peaceful reign of their beloved Queen, Sonia Nevermind.

Sonia was a kind soul and was the kind of ruler who loved her kingdom more than she loved herself. Every month, the woman would always clear up one day in her busy life to pay a visit to the villages to converse with the civilians.

There had been rumours circulating around the people of the kingdom that in one of the houses, there was always one window that had its blinds down at all times, and many people had claimed to see a pair of terrifying golden eyes glaring down at them occasionally. Sonia herself was especially interested in this folktale. It was that one special monthly day that the queen of Novoselic met the rumoured "Golden-Eyed Ghost".

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