The Demon Lord And His Bride

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I'm adding Himiko into this fic because I realized that in every other Survivor fic, Himiko always dies of natural causes.

The first inspiration for this fic came from a short gacha video by MizukoREII called "POV: A peasant is sent to trial for knowing info about the Demon Lord, but little did they know..."

A large ceiling lamp shone brightly in the large circular courtroom. Two curved tables stood on tall daises at the sides. Many important figures were seated in plush chairs at the desks. An individual man sat at his own table, high above everyone else. Everyone had their eyes looking downwards. In the middle of the room, was a young boy. He was kneeling down with his head hanged low, his long dark hair covering his face. Heavy chains tied him to the ground and he had an electric choker fixed tightly around his neck. Beside him and stationed at the doors were multiple bulky guards, armed to the teeth with high-tech weapons.

The main man began to speak loudly. 

"We are gathered here today," he started, his voice reverberating throughout the room. "To discuss the events of the unfortunate killing game."

The people seated around him listened intently and shook their heads as they mourned.

"16 students from the fallen Hopes Peak Academy were imprisoned and forced into killing each other," the man elaborated. "In order to escape, Maki Harukawa utilized dark magic to destroy Monokuma and free her fellow prisoners, one of which, was you, Shuichi Saihara."

"The discovery of magic is wonderful indeed, but dark magic is forbidden for a reason. Despite the large amount of power that dark magic can provide for the user, dark magic is near impossible to learn and corrupts the soul." the man explained. "I understand that you and Maki were close, perhaps you were even lovers, but whatever she was, she's gone. Her soul was the price she paid for freedom."

A spectator, a woman, spoke this time, standing up and eyeing the by below with cold blue eyes.

"Maki Harukawa is dangerous, too dangerous to be left alive. Civilians now are calling her a Demon Lord. Shuichi Saihara, you were the closest to her, meaning that you hold important information about her. You are to tell us everything you know about her. If you cooperate, you will be handsomely rewarded. However..."

The guards tensed. Their grip on their weapons tightened. Everyone eyed the boy. Some were sympathetic, others... not so much.

"If you refuse to help us," the woman said. "You will be considered her ally, and treated as such."

Everyone understood what that meant: death. The atmosphere was tense and the air felt thin. For a long time, nobody spoke, and the prisoner didn't move an inch. Finally, his head rose up. His long blue hair parted, revealing a pair of gleaming gold eyes. As he spoke, his voice was deep and smooth, almost soothing, but his words were stained with malice.

"I'll give you a hint..." he said. He stared directly into the cautious eyes of the interrogator and smiled. "It wasn't Maki who used dark magic..."

His scleras went black and his eyes shone with evil intent. As a shadowy mist surrounded the floor around him, the chains holding him burned away like paper. His electric choker suffered the same fate. The dark mist enveloped him, and when the mist settled to the ground, the boy was no longer in rags, but in a long, black, elegant robe. His long hair blew in the wind from the broken windows and a mixture of golden and purple magic danced around his fingers and arms.

The people screamed and ordered the guards to kill him, but before they could even react, Shuichi glared at them and their weapons rose up into the air and burned away until not even ashes remained.

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