The Ultimate (Blind) Detective

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Blind Shuichi AU- Part 2

Another fun fact about this AU: Shuichi has absolutely no idea what he or anyone else looks like. Even though Shota (Shuichi's uncle) read out the words on the embroidery, Shuichi assumed that he was lying and had always believed that he was very ugly, which is why he wears his hat.

Shuichi Saihara found himself trapped in a very small space. After shortly feeling it, he quickly deduced that it was a metal cuboid, a locker. He felt around and when he found the door, he used his shoulder to bust it down, collapsing on the floor.

He wasn't home, in school, or in any place that he recognized. He had been kidnapped, but by who? Shuichi's memories were a blur, it scared him. Shuichi quickly took off his shoes and socks, letting his bare feet make contact with the cool ground. It was surprisingly clean.

Shuichi decided to take a few steps forward. His leg bumped into something flat. As he took a step back, his back hit the corner of something else. He moved in another direction, then tripped over something small and fell onto the floor. He could hear and feel something; he wasn't the only one in the room. There were multiple creatures with him, but their footsteps sounded and felt too light for them to be regular humans.

"Rise and shine, ursine!" they said in unison. Shuichi felt a pair of small arms help him up. He turned in their direction and felt it. According to its shape and metal-like texture, it was a bear; an android bear. Shuichi patted his head.

"Hey! Why does Monodam get head pats!" a girlish voice said. "I deserve love too!"

"Wait," another voice said. "How come this one woke up so early? And why does he keep bumping into things like that?"

"Be quiet Monotaro!" another voice yelled. "We're doing this all in the wrong order. First, we need to introduce ourselves!"

"Oh! Right you are, Monosuke!"

"Greetings to the Super High School Level Detective! I am Monotaro. I am Monophanie. I'm Monosuke. I'M MONOKID. I-AM-MONODAM. And with our combined power, we are... the Monokubs!"

Even though Shuichi covered his ears, he heard them loud and clear. He quickly memorised all of their names and their voices, from their speed to their pitch to their tone. He spoke in a quiet voice.

"There are more of you. One is a little bigger than Monodam." he patted Monodam again. "And there are many... many tiny ones..."

"Woah! He's amazing! He's already figured out about the Nanokubs!" Monotaro said.

"SSSHH! We're not supposed to tell him that!" Monophanie said.

"You two fools!" Monosuke scolded. "Now we've just confirmed it! Ugh... Father's going to be so mad."

"You're damn right I'm mad!" 

This voice was different and Shuichi didn't feel any footstep-like vibrations on the floor. It was as if he just appeared or descended from the skies.

"Monokuma..." Shuichi whispered.

"Upupupu... You know my name, that's impressive." Monokuma said.

"I could hear you," Shuichi said, his voice still quiet. "Your angry voice was far away, but I could still hear you clearly."

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