Special Chapter!

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This chapter will be a short one, relating to my other book "Danganronpa: Reincarnation". It's about how Hajime proposed to Nagito

The room was empty. It had been decorated wonderfully with candles and ribbons. There were a few windows that let in a little bit of moonlight, but there wasn't anything to see except water, water, and more water. There was a circular table, draped with a satin tablecloth, in the middle of the room, where plates and cutlery had been placed neatly.

Hajime Hinata looked at himself and straightened his basil-coloured bow tie. He was wearing a green dress shirt with a beige vest, jacket, pants and shoes. His hair had been cut and returned to its original style. Hajime had picked his own outfit this time, not Izuru. He had been confident the night before, but now he was having second thoughts.

What if everything was too formal? What if he didn't like it? What if he was wearing too much of the same colour?

Hajime took a deep breath and exhaled. He fiddled with his jacket.

He and his friends had spent weeks making sure everything was perfect. This date was going to go well. And by the end of the night, Hajime will have himself a fiance.

The door then swung open. At the sound of heels clicking, Hajime immediately turned around. His eyes widened and a blush spread across his face.


There he stood, Hajime's boyfriend and one true love, Nagito Komaeda. He was all decked out in a sleek black shirt, in which he left the top buttons undone, a shiny leather vest with white buttons and black dress pants, paired with a custom-tailored white jacket and new white loafers. There was also a striped monochrome bow tie clipped onto the collar of his shirt. The hints of pink smudging the tips of his fluffy white hair seemed to shine in the candlelight. The moonlight shone on him, framing his pale face perfectly in a warm and ethereal glow. He was gorgeous.

"Hajime..." he smiled. He rushed into his arms and pulled him in for a sweet kiss. Hajime smiled as he pressed his lips against Nagito's.

"Ready for our dinner date?" he whispered. Nagito smiled, almost bashfully, and nodded.

Their friends waltzed into the room, all dressed in suits, like butlers. Their faces were all so neutral and they acted so proper that the couple couldn't help but giggle. They had the best friends in the world, to be putting so much effort for them.

The food was delicious, made by their friend Teruteru Hanamura, the Ultimate Chef. The meat was perfectly juicy and tender and the vegetables were perfectly cooked, not too soggy. Hajime couldn't help but notice that Nagito was enjoying the food a lot. He smiled. When Nagito noticed Hajime staring at him as he ate, his cheeks flushed from embarrassment and he quickly drank some water. Hajime chuckled.

Everything was going amazing so far. The food was magnificent and the music was soft and melodic. As the two ate, they would talk about nothing special in particular, just the way they liked it. When it was the two of them, they could spend hours talking about absolutely nothing. 

However, Hajime noticed that Nagito seemed to be nervous about something. And Nagito noticed the same.

Soon, the dessert was served (Ibuki almost dropped the plate, but luckily, Sonia was behind her). For dessert, Teruteru had prepared a beautiful chocolate shortcake with edible vanilla decorations, strawberries and hazelnuts. 

As Hajime watched the cake being served to them by their "waiters", he felt his hands get clammy and he could feel himself sweating. It was in there; Hajime had snuck the ring in there and he couldn't help but wonder what Nagito's reaction would be to his proposal.

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