What If... Part 1

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New mini-series! This series will be much shorter than all of my other fics, probably only 1000 words long (minus the author's notes and stuff).

There will be some copy and paste-ing from the original fic, but the outcome will be different. This series will not be continuous, I will write it when I feel like it.

What If... Kaito actually did something?

(From: A Good Boy Series)

Shuichi did his pushups, just like every other night. He wasn't very athletic, so his pace was much slower compared to Maki's, who was breezing through her 100 pushups. Kaito was just sitting at the side, staring at the stars through the glass dome that trapped them.

Time passed. Shuichi did his pushups. Maki complained about Kaito not doing anything. And Kaito ignored her by making silly excuses.

Shuichi coughed. Maki turned to him with concern.


Her words fell on deaf ears as Shuichi continued to do his pushups. He was at his 98th pushup when he coughed again and fresh blood started to drip from his mouth.


Kaito immediately rushed toward the young detective. He picked him up, forcing him to stop his pushups. Shuichi's face was distressed, his body was cold, his breathing was irregular, and he was coughing blood all over Kaito's clothes, muttering quiet apologies.

"Forget my damn clothes!" Kaito yelled. "You're bleeding! A lot!"

"Sorry..." Shuichi whispered again through his wheezing. He then went into a coughing fit, spitting blood everywhere. "Sorry..."

"We need to get help." Maki said. Kaito nodded quickly. He picked up the limp body of Shuichi Saihara and ran after the assassin. As the two dashed to the dorm building, Shuichi's eyelids started to droop as he walked closer and closer to the edge of the cliff that was unconsciousness.


"DON'T YOU DARE DIE ON ME MAN!" Kaito cried. There were already fearful tears in the man's eyes.

"O-or...ders... given... Orders... rec...ieved..."

Shuichi's words were a soft night breeze, too quiet to be heard by Kaito or Maki. They continued to run. The two desperately looked around for anyone who could help them. Unfortunately for them, it was late into nighttime and the rest of the students were in the dorms, behind locked bedroom doors, fast asleep.

Shuichi lay limp in Kaito's strong arms, but his breathing was getting slower and slower, his eyes becoming heavier and heavier as the seconds passed.

"Shuichi! S-Stay with me!" Kaito cried, forcing a smile on his face. But his smile was lopsided and his eyes gleamed with nothing but worry.

Shuichi coughed again, causing more blood to splatter on his and Kaito's attire. He opened his mouth to say something, but another coughing fit interrupted his words. He hacked and choked.

It was just those three in the empty school that trapped them. No one could help them, they were alone.

But just when all hope seemed lost, someone, a light sleeper, groggily walked toward his window to see who was shouting so late at night. He was tired, but that exhaustion quickly disappeared as the boy laid eyes on the half-dead body in Kaito's arms. 

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