Always Giving, Always Losing

488 2 12

*Post-game AU*

*Mild smut*

I use Italics for a lot of things. Italics are usually thoughts: "-" being voices in his head and just italics being regular thoughts. If the italics are within "-" and the "-" is not italicised then it means that it is emphasised. Sometimes though, I use it to emphasise moans.

A young girl walked through the halls, all decked out in the school uniform of a prestigious academy. As she looked at her reflection through her locker mirror, she brushed away a strand of dark brown hair, tucking it behind her ear, and readjusted her makeup, putting eyeliner on her dark ruby eyes.

"EI! OVER HERE!" a tanned girl with a gyaru aesthetic yelled from across the hallway. Ei whispered from the other side, making strong hand gestures to make her shut up before slamming her locker shut and running to her friend.

"Mikoto, calm down!" Ei shouted, pouting as she smacked her. Her friend was not getting less energetic at all, she was trembling with excitement and had a goofy grin on her face. 

She grabbed Ei by the hand and dragged her down the hallway out the doors, making Ei trip on her expensive heels multiple times. Outside the school, a girl and a boy were gossiping and whispering avidly.


"C'mon are we going yet?"

"Kokona! Ikuto! Chill!" Ei huffed. She crossed her arms. "You're just meeting my dad, it's not that big of a deal."

"Um, Ei..." the boy, who had magenta hair and matching eyes, said, staring at her. "ARE YOU KA-RA-ZEE?!"

"Your dad is Shuichi Saihara we're talking about. THE Shuichi Saihara." a goth girl with black hair (with a signal strand of red), and black eyes emphasised. "Like, the most famous person on the entire planet."

"World-class detective, HUGE celebrity, public speaker, a whole bunch of other stuff that I forgot..." Ikuto mumbled the last part. "And let's not forget, saviour of the entire world?"

"WE'RE GONNA MEET SHUICHI SAIHARA!!!!" Mikoto shrieked, bouncing up and down as she did a little dance right there on the floor. The look the passerby gave her would be the same look that someone would give to a random man dancing on the street, NAKED.

"I'm starting to regret telling you guys my secret..."

"You know you love us~" Ei's friends sang teasingly. The group then burst into laughter, entering Ei's fancy car, which was seen as normal in Ei's school. They gossiped about Ei's father the whole way. But their conversation took a turn when Mikoto asked Ei a question.

"B-T-dubs, who's the mom. I've always been a huge fan of your dad and I've watched every public event he's been to; he's never mentioned having a wife."

"Oh yeah! Who is your mom?" Kokona asked. The girl, who usually always insisted on keeping up her bully goth girl persona, was now using Ei's handmirror to fix her hair and makeup. Her exact words were: "I have to make a good impression."

Ei looked down, staring at her feet.

"I-I don't know..." she said. "When I asked, my dad's face fell and Uncle Kiibo glared at me angrily. It was so weird."

"Your dad's face... fell...? But Shuichi Saihara is always seen smiling."

"I know," Ei said. "It was the strangest thing ever. My dad's always smiling. Kiibo's never home much, because he's usually travelling or whatever, but whenever he is he's all smiles. I stopped mentioning my mother after that. All I know is that I look exactly like your mother."

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