The Little Merman [1]

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Has anyone watched the newest remake of The Little Mermaid? I haven't. I was listening to Wild Uncharted Waters (cover by Annapantsu) and decided, screw it, why not!

I probably should be writing on my other fanfic 'Within the Shadows of Hope', but... eh. However if you are still waiting for that (thanks for 1K views BTW!!) then I am sorry.

Also, I saw a clip from the live-action movie where Ariel literally has multiple human books in her collection, which is strange considering that The Little Mermaid takes place in the mid-1800s or something and waterproof paper was supposedly only invented in 2008. Call me stupid but I'm sure those books should've been dissolved into the waters or something.

Bruh, I researched so much about fish and Japanese seas and it's barely even included in the bloody fic wth

"Shuichi!" Kaede sings her friend's name playfully. With a swift swish of her magenta tail, decorated with twines of coral that she always picks for herself, she twirls her way into her friend's little abode, a rather spacious underwater cavern with shelves and tables filled with nothing but books and strange artefacts (with a few sea lanterns here and there, of course). 

To this day, Kaede still doesn't know what most of all these weird trinkets do. She never got around to asking. "Come on, put down those books already! We can't be late!"

The person she insistently continues to pester, Shuichi, turns around, his eyebrows dropped downwards in slight irritation.

"Is it time for 'that' already?" he asks with an upset frown. His slender hand sweeps away some of his dark blue hair from his vision as it flows over his eyes.

"Yep yep! Everyone else is already there! Come on!"

Shuichi has just barely enough time to carefully close the thick book currently in his hands in a way that wouldn't crinkle the pages before Kaede energetically grabs his hands and drags him out of the cavern.

"Ow!" yelps Shuichi as he slams face-first into a thick stem of coral.


It takes a little while of more swimming—and a few more unwanted injuries—before Kaede finally lets go of Shuichi's pale hand, allowing him to swim on his own. A school of shiny grey fish swims by as Kaede fills the empty silence with friendly conversation, which both merteens wave politely to.

"Shuichi, look! I got this brand-new bikini to show off at the rehearsals!" Kaede says, pointing eagerly at her chest. "Isn't it gorgeous? Tsumugi made it for me! It's made from lotus petals and it's soooo soft! Feel it!"

"You look great, Kaede, but... I-I must abstain..." Shuichi responds, averting his eyes. Kaede's face burns magma-red when she finally realises the implications of what she just said. Shuichi almost laughs.

"W-Well, speaking of rehearsals..." Kaede's tail beats just a tad bit faster as she shakes off her embarrassment. "How are you feeling? I know you aren't... too much of a fan of it."

An exasperated sigh leaves Shuichi's lips. What he would give to return to his little cavern, study his collection of artefacts for the millionth time and curl up on his jellyfish membrane pillow.

Merfolk singing rehearsals. The bane of Shuichi's entire merman existence. The very 'that' that he so dreads with every glimmering scale and fin of his body.

Shuichi and Kaede are both merfolk, a species derived from their cousins, the bloodthirsty sirens. Merfolks are all vegans. Sirens, on the other hand, are more carnivorous, consuming mostly meat.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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