I Quit

399 7 29

Despite the very foreboding title, there is no suicide here (at least not in this one-shot)

"NO! NO NO NO PLEASE!" a young boy screamed as he struggled against a bodyguard's strong arms. He tried to escape the man's grip, but a 4-year-old can only do so much against a young and highly-trained man. The bodyguard felt pity for the boy, but he did not let him go.

"HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" the boy cried desperately. His tears fell on the floor with audible plinks as he continued to flail around. "LET HIM GO! PLEASE!"

The door of the plain white room was open, the locks blasted with bullets from when the boy had previously tried to break in. Inside the big room, far away from the screaming child, a few men turned around to stare at him. The men wore lab coats and their glares were of annoyance and disgust. Only one portrayed mild sympathy. One of the men was wearing a suit and he was tied to a reclining bed, surrounded by contraptions and futuristic machinery. He didn't struggle as the other men tied him tightly to the chair, nor did he show a single sign of fear. His face remained blank and emotionless, just as it had been his entire life.

"PLEASE!" the child screamed again, tears freely pouring out of his eyes. "DON'T DO THIS!"

The boy kicked the guard in the no-no-area and ran towards the dark-haired adult, only to be tackled to the ground by another bodyguard. The apathetic man only turned to look down at the child, who was on the floor and crying.

"Daddy... please..." the boy begged, shakily reaching a small arm upwards to hold him. "Don't let them do this..."

The man in a suit quickly glanced at the huge box-shaped machine they were lowering onto his head. He looked back at the child, whose face was now full of fear and panic as he eyed the machine. He sent the man one more begging look. The man's eyes softened, just a little, his features lifted, and the edges of his mouth curled upwards. That was the last time the boy saw his face as the machine was put over his head.

The lights activated and a whirring sound filled the air. The man's fingertips twitched slightly from the pain. Soon, a loud bursting noise was heard and the man's body went limp.


As a sudden burst of strength flowed through the boy's veins, he pushed the bodyguard off him and rushed to his father's side. He held onto his hand, desperately denying his death, but his brain knew that it was all futile. In the end, all the boy could do was rest his head on his father's corpse and weep. The other men simply left the room, even the bodyguards.

The boy would never forget that smile. It was the only smile his father had ever smiled, and the last too.

14-year-old Shuichi Saihara was tired, so... SO tired. Being an Ultimate was not what it was all cut out to be. He had spent the entire night solving difficult cases and hadn't had breakfast. He glanced at his large cup of strong coffee and his almost-finished pile of case files.

Once I finish these last few cases, I'm going to take an early break, go home, and get some good fucking SLEEP, he thought to himself. Oh, dear... I'm swearing...

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