Ultimate Matchmaker- Part 3

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IDK why, but I just love the idea of Kiibo being Shuichi's companion bot for some reason

(He's not in this AU)

Behold, Shuichi Saihara's least favourite lesson of the week (which is weird seeing as Shuichi usually adores lessons): Physical Education. Everyone loved PE because it was the one class that didn't require them to sit down and listen to boring stuff; not Shuichi. Shuichi much preferred books and writing to running around and coming back all sweaty and smelly. His best friends, however, loved it.

Shuichi sat at the side of the game, watching as his classmates played basketball. Kokichi was at a huge disadvantage here because of his height, which made Shuichi laugh a little. Shuichi turned to Korekiyo Shinguji, the Ultimate Anthropologist, who was hunched over and panting.

"A-Aren't you going to take your mask off?" Shuichi asked, pointing at his sweaty face. "Or maybe tie u-up your hair?"

Korekiyo couldn't make out words, he merely pointed at his mask and shook his head.

"Well at least tie up your hair so it's less hot." Shuichi smiled and took out a hair tie. "Here, let me help you. I-If y-you don't mind, t-that is...!"

Korekiyo sat down in front of Shuichi and nodded his head. Shuichi passed Korekiyo a water bottle and got to work. As the detective was tying up his hair into a tall ponytail, he caught sight of Kirumi, who was passing out cool beverages to the rest of the class, who were taking a break from the game.

Hm... I wonder if I could matchmake Kirumi and Korekiyo together. Both of them have a pretty good relationship and both have an intense love for humanity. They might not be a bad pairing.

"HEY, SIDEKICK!" Kaito shouted from across the field. He ran closer and tried to hug Shuichi, but Shuichi ducked away and plugged his nose. "Come on sidekick, join us! It's fun!"

"No thanks..." Shuichi said. "Oh! H-here, let me help you." Shuichi went to Kirumi to aid her with Kokichi's injury. The wound he suffered from falling was small but Kokichi just loved to make a huge deal out of silly things.

"Oh Shumai! It hurts so much!" Kokichi exaggerated as Shuichi applied some rubbing alcohol to the bleeding spot. 

"Oh... poor you..." Shuichi's comment was meant to be slightly sarcastic, but it came off as more sympathetic instead. "You'll be fine Kokichi."

He handed bandages to Kirumi and smiled politely when the Ultimate Maid thanked him for his help.

Shuichi noticed that Korekiyo was walking closer to the group. He quickly glanced at Kirumi and saw that she was walking away. Shuichi then took one step and stuck his foot out, not too much to be seen as suspicious. Kirumi tripped over his foot and crashed straight into Korekiyo's arms. Shuichi pretended to gasp with the rest of the class.

"Kirumi! I-I'm s-so s-sorry! I-I'm so s-sorry! I'm s-so s-sorry!" Shuichi apologized profusely, bowing down again and again. This was just Shuichi's reflexes and instincts kicking in for him even though the boy knew it was intentional.

"It's alright Shuichi, I know you didn't mean it," Kirumi said. "And thank you, Korekiyo, for catching me." Kirumi smiled and bowed politely to Korekiyo, Korekiyo nodded back with a closed-eye smile in response.

Shuichi smiled internally as he walked up to Kaito and Maki.

This one shouldn't be so hard.

And he was correct. For Kirumi and Korekiyo, Shuichi didn't even need to request any backup. This matchmaking method was the opposite of Himiko's. Shuichi made sure that every interaction between the two had gone perfectly. Soon, every time Korekiyo was in the room, Kirumi would have a small blush on her face.

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