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This takes place after the second trial (because Mikan is quite important in this story and so I need her alive). Also, for the sake of plot, just pretend that Nagito already knows that Hajime is only a reserve course student

Hajime had decided to hang out with his closest friends, Fuyuhiko and Kazuichi today. As usual, they were arguing about something totally random, but Hajime didn't mind. Their hilarious and chaotic friendship took his mind off their blood-chilling situation.

Yes, Hajime Hinata, along with 15 Ultimates, had been trapped on an isolated island named Jabberwock Island, and are being forced to participate in a brutal killing game run by an animatronic bear named Monokuma. A few of his friends had already died.

As the three walked along the sunny beach, they chatted and went through the normal male subjects. The topic of their Ultimates was also discussed. Fuyuhiko was red in the face, yelling at Hajime and Kazuichi for teasing his baby face when he suddenly stopped talking.

"Hey, 'Hiko?" Kazuichi asked. "What's wrong?"

"Look! Over there!" Fuyuhiko said, pointing towards the shore.

Sure enough, there was a young boy sprawled on the sand. He was lying face down, unconscious, and completely drenched in salt water. None of the boys recognized him.

As the three flipped him over to get a look at his face, the three men all thought the same thing.

SHIT, he's hot!

The boy had longish locks of silky dark blue hair and a very skinny figure. He had quite a pretty face and looked rather feminine too, especially with his long eyelashes, but his skin was deathly pale and his breathing was irregular.

Hajime was surprised at how light he was when he carried the strange boy in his arms. The three split up. Hajime went to the hospital on the other island to put the boy down in bed while Fuyuhiko and Kazuichi went to find Mikan to update her on the situation.

Mikan, as well as everyone else, was incredibly surprised when they heard that someone new had washed up on their island. She rushed to the hospital immediately to nurse Shuichi back to health.

What was even more shocking was that Monokuma showed himself and gave them a file that gave a few pieces of basic information about the strange boy. His name was Shuichi Saihara and he was the Ultimate Detective (a simple fact that made Nagito delighted)

However, what was even more mysterious was what Monokuma said about him.

"Have fun with it all you want. I have no use for that thing anymore."

What did that mean?

. . .

"How is he, Mikan?" Hajime asked. He, along with everyone else, decided to visit the hospital to see how their new friend was doing. They were quite disappointed to see that Shuichi was still in his hospital bed in a state of deep slumber. He did look a bit better than before at least.

"H-He's d-doing b-b-better now.' Mikan stuttered out. "H-Howe-ver, h-his body remains i-incredibly w-weak. H-He'll p-probably need h-help g-getting around."

"Poor thing..." Sonia said. "He's even younger than us... How did he end up like this...?"

"He's still asleep?" Hiyoko whined. "It's been 4 whole days!"

"A-Actually..." Mikan stammered. "H-He woke up a w-while ago... Y-You guys m-missed it."

"WHAT! SERIOUSLY?!" Nekomaru boomed.

"EEK! I-I'M SORRY!" Mikan shrieked, her hands automatically blocking her face.

"Don't mind! Don't mind!" Ibuki said, cheerful as ever. "It's not your fault! We were just too slow! It's ok! He'll wake up soon!"

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