A Good Boy

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A.N: Imagine these as like cassette tapes playing.


I know Anka.

My name is Toshiro Saihara, I'm 34 years old. Chief Detective of the Yokohama Police Department.

. . .

Let's just hurry and get this interview done and over with...

How do I start?

My brother and I have never been close... Ever since birth, we would always argue for hours on end. Yamoto has never been nice; he's impulsive and did whatever he wanted, then refused to deal with the consequences. I always had to clean up after his messes.

During high school, I would spend my time studying and did the best I could in my academics, my brother did the total opposite. He was always at some sort of party. He hardly ever came back home, and when he did, he was always drunk out of his mind.

You can imagine my surprise when I found out that he was getting married. When I showed up at the wedding, Yamato was... different. Instead of that ugly frown that I was so used to, he was smiling like there was no tomorrow. Then there was his wife. She was gorgeous, with silky dark blue hair and blue eyes. Her name was Emiko Kiyoshi. She was a famous movie star.

They were the happiest couple ever. Emiko brought out a side of Yamoto that not even I knew existed. It was miraculous! Yamoto got a stable job, a huge mansion, heck, they even had a kid!

Then... after a while... Emiko died. I never heard from Yamoto after that. 

I tried multiple times to reach him or figure out where he lived, but he would ghost me. Eventually, I gave up and continued with my detective work. Years later, I finally found out where my brother lived. I hadn't talked to him in so long, so I immediately rushed over to his house to see how he was doing.

That's when you saw it, correct?

Yes... I noticed the door was unlocked, so I just went in. There, I saw it. My brother, drinking out of a humongous alcohol bottle, and his ten-year-old son, bleeding on the floor.

It was horrible, the poor thing was bleeding EVERYWHERE. Head to toe, his entire body was just all just red, not a single bit of skin in sight. He was practically dead when I found him. I... I just-


I think that will be enough. Thank you... we can continue next time.

~ * ~


Detective Toshiro. It's a pleasure to meet you in person.

Ah... please, don't be like that. Anyway, is he ok?

Well... I'm really not sure.

What do you mean?

The boy lost way too much blood... There's no logical way that he would have survived, but somehow... he lived.

So he's alive! That's great.

We're still unsure about his mental condition... all we know is that it's pretty bad.

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