Perk Hunter

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"Kaede... what are you doing?" Shuichi asked the girl. The blonde pianist looked down from the ladder and smiled.

"It's nothing, Shuichi. I'm just organizing the books."

Shuichi smiled back, but when he turned his back he dropped his facade. Shuichi Saihara was the Ultimate Detective for a reason, he wasn't stupid. He knows a murder set-up when he sees one. Only utter fools would trust people that they've just met. But he was still a detective and he was vital in this killing game, especially when the trials will inevitably come. He had to gain everyone's trust somehow, which was why he chose to stick to the overly-positive Kaede Akamatsu.

He continued to investigate the library. As he did, he decided to take a few books with him. He then stumbled upon a book that won't budge, no matter how hard he pulled it. He gave a quick glance to Kaede; she was too busy shuffling the books around to notice him. He stood in front of the unmoving book and pushed it in. It moved, and revealed a secret compartment within the bookcase. The small compartment only had one thing sitting inside it; a small USB. Shuichi snatched it speedily.

He double-checked again to make sure no one was looking. He then took out his Monopad from inside his jacket and plugged the USB in. His eyes gleamed with curiosity as the screen loaded. When it loaded, he quickly read it. He learned some important information about Rantaro. Apparently, Rantaro was the Ultimate Survivor and Monokuma had granted him a special perk for surviving the previous killing game.

So he wasn't the Ultimate Drug Dealer? Hm...

Is there a way I can get a perk for myself? It might be useful. I have to get these brainless monkeys out of here after all.

Shuichi scrolled a bit more and found a list. Turns out, it wasn't just Rantaro, everyone had a perk! The only difference was that Rantaro's was granted to him at the start of the game, while everyone else had to find theirs. The list didn't state whose perk was whose, but it did state that some perks could be found, while others had to be unlocked. The list even stated the requirements Shuichi needed to unlock it (it didn't say where to find the rest though).

The possibility of anyone other than Rantaro finding their perks is extremely low. And if I tell them about it, they will be sure to suspect my abundance of knowledge.

Shuichi turned back to stare at Kaede, who was fixing her camera.

Better not to tell her. She's already planning a murder anyway. It doesn't matter if she wants to kill the mastermind. The second the thought of homicide entered her mind, she had already lost.

. . .

Shuichi wasn't all that much bothered when Kaede died. It was to be expected, she was a human after all. 

All humans were nothing but selfish creatures. Even worst, she thinks that murder is justice. It's not.

Despite his apathy, Shuichi still mourned her death in his heart. And for the sake of not being seen as heartless, he put on his best act ever and cried his heart out. It felt natural to him. To everyone else, it may seem that Shuichi was mourning the loss of his friend, but to Shuichi, he was just letting all of his built-up emotions out and using Kaede as the reason.

Shuichi did find Kaede's perk. He found it hidden in her bag, meaning that he had to pickpocket her for it. It was not worth all the trouble. 

Kaede Akamatsu's perk was called "Shining Beacon", which made Shuichi chuckle. The perk was just like Kaede, it gave false hope. Shuichi immediately locked that perk. He didn't believe in forced happiness.

Shuichi decided it would be easier to find all the hidden perks instead, instead of trying to fill the requirements for the others—he would deal with those later. It was a breeze.

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