Always Giving, Always Losing- Part 2

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I've always been proud of my dad and even prouder to be his daughter. He did everything to ensure that my life was safe and happy and even though he was always super busy, either with his ridiculously successful company or with celebrity events, he always made time for me. My childhood was what others would describe as perfect; riches and luxury; a father and an uncle that loved me to bits; there were practically 0 downsides in my life. I always listened to my dad, and in return, he always gave me whatever I wanted. 

My dad purposely hid the fact that I was his daughter, and I quickly understood why. The life of a celebrity was cool and all, but there was basically NO privacy, AT ALL. I remember once, my dad went out to buy a coffee without wearing any sort of disguise. He ordered his coffee black, as usual, but the next day, there were tabloids with his pictures and all sorts of crazy theories. The silliest, and the most hilarious of them all, was: "SHUICHI SAIHARA HATES ALMONDS!!!". Dad and I laughed for hours at that one. The best part was that almond sales actually went down by 48% after that. Dad actually had to organize an interview to clear the whole thing up.

There were times when, because of our contrasting appearance, I believed that I was adopted, but Dad always made sure that I felt loved. He would kiss me, hug me, play with me all day (when I was a kid, of course), and he would always make me the most delicious food to eat.

I was my dad's pride and joy. I was always so excited when I skipped into the house and handed my dad my flawless test results. I loved seeing the pride shine in his beautiful eyes. But when I grew older and met my friends, I realized just how much of life I was missing. I had been this "perfect straight-A-student" my whole entire life, but now I was a teenager, and a thousand more opportunities for entertainment had opened up. I especially loved partying. The loud music, bright lights, and the huge smiles of other teens were just amazing. I guess I ended up getting addicted to it, because, soon enough, my grades had dropped to Bs and Cs.

That was when the argument started. My first ever real argument with my dad. 


As I was stomping to my room like an angry rhinoceros, I looked back for just a split second, and I saw dad's eyes. They didn't hold a shred of disappointment or anger as I had predicted. Instead, his eyes were filled with... shock and... hurt. It was horrible to look at.

So what went wrong?

Was it really my dad that was in the wrong? Or had I really become like that evil villain princess in that one Barbie movie. Was I, Ei Saihara, ...spoiled?

In the end, I decided that, no, I wasn't spoiled. It was Dad. He was way too overprotective of me and now that I've finally found something that I like, he wants to take it away from me. As I continued to concentrate on my thoughts, I realized just how overprotective Dad has been over me. I can't believe I didn't even question it when he ran a background check on my friends. He always had to know where I was going, who I was going with, and when I would be back. He was such a helicopter parent. HMPH!

My dad was amazing, he always was. He was beautiful, smart, strong. He was a worldwide celebrity, one of the best detectives in the world, the CEO of the top company in Japan (Rank 6 in the entire globe), and the saviour of the world. He was so amazing that he survived a killing game and came out just fine. Sure, he must have suffered a bit, but he got back up on his feet and continued to run.

Shuichi Saihara was a name that would be in history books for centuries to come. that was a given.

The only recorded survivors of the final killing game were Uncle Kiibo and Dad. Dad always told me everything. He would tell me all about his colleagues, acquaintances and crazy fans. Dad never had anyone that was even CLOSE to being a lover.

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