What The Hell Did You Do?!

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This is another God AU and it's kind of a short fic, for now. I might write a backstory later or branch out a world soon but I'm not sure.

Monokuma is not controlled by anyone, he is a living entity with his own will. Everyone is still in a killing game

"Ahoy there, students!" Monokuma waved joyfully to everyone as they sat in the cafeteria eating their breakfast. The happy atmosphere immediately plummeted, turning grim, and everyone's faces visibly fell. Some glared at Monokuma angrily, while others looked at him fearfully.

"Tough crowd huh..." Monokuma muttered.

"What do you want Monokuma?!" Kaito demanded, slamming his fist onto the table. All eyes were on Monokuma, wary and cautious.

"Woah, chill out big guy," Monokuma laughed. "I just need to 'borrow' our little detective for a while."

Everyone's eyes widened in shock and horror, especially Shuichi's, as they feared the possibilities. Kaito stood up and shielded Shuichi with his own body. Maki stood up too, quickly taking out her knife and brandishing it menacingly.

"NO WAY!" Kaito yelled.

"You can't take Shumai!" Kokichi shouted.

"Touch him and I'll slice you to bits." Maki threatened. Everyone else rose, standing around Shuichi to protect him. However, Shuichi remained silent.

"Aww..." Monokuma cooed. "That's adorable." He laughed cruelly. "You guys act as if you have a choice. SHUICHI!"

Shuichi took a deep breath and timidly stepped forward.

"Sidekick no!" Kaito said. His hand quickly grabbed onto Shuichi's wrist, stopping him from going further.

"It's ok, Kaito," Shuichi tried to smile reassuringly, but smiling was never really his forte. "I'll be back, I promise. Plus, Monokuma's right, we don't have a choice."

Shuichi pulled away from Kaito and walked ahead. He wasn't being brave, he was just following orders.


Kokichi tried to run towards him, but before he could grab him, the Exisals appeared, surrounding Shuichi.

An Exisal grabbed Shuichi, holding him tightly. Shuichi tried to scream, but his mouth was quickly covered and suddenly he was I injected with an anaesthetic and soon fell unconscious.

His friends were unable to do anything. They were helpless. They could only watch in horror as Shuichi was carried away by the Exisal, clanking and thumping loudly with every step.

. . .

"Monokuma?" Shuichi asked. He groggily got up, shaking his raven hair out of his eyes. "W-Where are we? Why is there water everywhere? And why am I... in a cage...?"

Shuichi was kneeling, barred within a rather large metal cage. He was somewhere dark and the room was slightly flooded, reaching near his waist. The water didn't look exactly clean either. In fact, the water had a brownish-green tint.

"This room is rather special, and requires special maintenance," Monokuma explain. "It connects with all of the water dispensers in the school; the kitchen taps, the toilet faucets, everything."

"But it's so... dirty." Shuichi mentioned.

"EXACTA-MUNDO!" Monokuma exclaimed. "Your job is to purify the water every last drop! I don't have the powers to do that and my poor little Monokubs are all gone, so you're the only person left. And just a reminder, if you refuse, your friends will be chugging down dirty water all day, which will probably lead to some nasty diseases."

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