Ch 4

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I stared, wide-eyed, at Luffy's proclamation. The crews strength? What does that even mean? And across the world?? Does he even know what he's saying?

"Hahaha!" He patted my head, "don't worry about it, Hana,"

I stared at him, very confused. Zoro spoke up, "Well, if the captain says so, then it's all I can do to believe him. You're strong, right?" He asked me. I nodded slowly. "Then I'm counting on you." He's counting on me...

Just like that, I contemplated the possibility of telling him. It'd make more sense...we're aiming to make our captain Pirate King! It's going to be more dangerous from here.

I'm not hoping for his attraction to me. I don't want that. But if he knows my secret, and Luffy isn't able to empower me as usual, he'd know to cover my weaknesses. My weakness...I hate that. I'm strong without the use of my realms, or my wings. But with them, I'm so much more, and I hate that.

Thwack! My body folded forward in half from the hit to my head. "Fuck! Luffy!" I couldn't whack him back without risk of exposing myself under the coat.

"Man this is nice! We have a swordsman now! I can't use swords, so I'm counting on you Zoro!"

Zoro glanced between Luffy and I, confusion painting his features. "Yeah..."

"We're gonna be fighting some really strong people now! There's a lot of things I can't do, so I'm counting on my crew to cover my weaknesses!"

I stared at Luffy. Is he trying to say...?

I get it...I do. But it doesn't make it any easier.

I let out a deep sigh. Zoro decided immediately that I'm someone he can count on. Shouldn't that mean I can count on him as well? Luffy wouldn't call someone he couldn't trust his nakama.

I felt a flash of power coming from Luffy. He's lending me his support. That idiot isn't supposed to be this conniving! I guess I'm doing this...I hope this doesn't become the norm, immediately entrusting my life to new members.

"Zoro..." I started. He looked at me. I spoke slowly, unsure of how to put it, "...if there were someone that could use another person for power...and both had no control over it...are they a bad person?"

He stared at me, not able to see any part of my face. He was feeling confused. "Are they a bad person?"

"Yeah, do you think they're a bad person." I clarified.

"No, I'm asking. Are they a bad person?"

...huh? "That's what I want to know! Do you think they're a bad person! Would you be able to call someone like that your friend?!"

"How the hell am I supposed to know?! You haven't told me if they'd be a good person or not!" He was starting to get irritated. Well I'm irritated too!

"I told you! They use other people for power! They'd use their friends, for power! How can someone like that be a good person?!"

"And? What's wrong with using friends?" He questioned. I stilled. "I don't really understand it, since I've been alone this whole time. But my goal is to become the world's greatest swordsman. I've decided that joining this idiot," he pointed to our captain, "will take me closer to that goal. Is that wrong? Oi, Luffy, do you have a problem with being used like that?"

"Shishishi! Not at all!" He grinned.

I smiled at that. "Luffy, lend me your strength please." That way, if Zoro does have any feelings of attraction, it won't cripple me.

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