Ch 67 - Timeskip Adventures

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I knew it had to happen someday, I was expecting it. I didn't know how long, or how bad it was going to be, but I knew it was coming.

8 weeks. That was the limit. Maybe give or take a few days, I wasn't that great with remembering important dates, or even casual ones. Point is, it had been more than 8 weeks since I could remember being with any of my partners.

And...I felt empty. My soul felt hollow. I couldn't feel them before anyways, since the distance was so great, but my body and soul knew they were still out there. But now, there was nothing.

I couldn't even sense their direction anymore. This feeling...I never expected it to be so hard. This feeling of loneliness, can I handle it for two years?


Well, I suppose I wasn't completely alone. "Robin!" I shouted gleefully. I was a bit surprised, I didn't even sense her approach.

"You haven't trained at all today either, right?"

I frowned. I had taken my training very seriously these past few weeks. Day in, day out, it was fun. But now... "I'm just...not in the mood."

She smiled, and then sat next to me on the bench. "I expected this to happen."

I scowled, "thanks for the warning."

She ignored my snark, "you're a very social creature. For most social animals, to be in a group is required to survive."

"I'm not alone though," I gestured out over the island, "there's so many people here." Down in the courtyard we could see lines upon lines of people training. All different ages, and many of whom I've already befriended. "I made many new friends."

"You have," she agreed. "But you know better than I do. You want something more."

I looked down, "I want my partners back. But you already knew that. And I can't get them back anyways."

"You could get more partners." I sighed, I knew that, of course. "I'm sure we all feel the same. We want to get the crew back together as soon as possible. But aren't you being a bit selfish?"

I turned my widened eyes to her at the insult, "selfish?!"

"Everyone is out there doing their best to get stronger. How do you think they would feel if they knew you were wallowing about being lonely?" I felt myself tearing up. "You need to get stronger too, don't you? But if you can't even get over a change in partners, you're not going to be able to. No one would judge you for gaining more partners, if that's what you're worrying about."

I let out a deep exhale, "I know that. The crew...they wouldn't hold it against me. But...Do you know how intense the connection is? Can you imagine having your heart out on display, as bare and naked as the rest of you?  How can I make anyone else go through that with me?" I asked her.

She gave me a small closed eye smile, "you can start by asking me. I'm not a stranger to you, am I?"

"Ah, no, but..." I didn't think she was interested.

"You don't want me?"

"No no no, that's not it at all." I quickly denied. "It's do?" I asked incredulously.

My skin tingled as her need suddenly called out. "Convinced now?"

I could feel it as clear as day now, but the manner in which it came about, left me unsettled. "You don't have to force yourself for my sake, Robin."

"Don't misunderstand, Hana-chan," she smiled. "I'm not doing it for you, it's for me. I have two years to have you all for myself," her eyes shone with mischief.

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