Ch 58

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"Ah! They're here!" Pappagg shouted. "The Flying Fish Riders!"

I glanced up, they were indeed flying! They made a few attacks, but just as fast as they appeared, they left, leaving us in confusion.

My dragons trilled in question. "Go ahead," I told them. Since the fish had disappeared, we needed a new lead. Some flew off to follow.

"I want one of those flying fish! Five whole minutes of flying!" Luffy shouted as he danced around on the figure head. I understood, flying is great!

We waited a bit, but it didn't take long before the reptiles came back. We must've been really close already! They lead us straight to the Flying Fish Riders base.

We sailed closer. The floating base was quiet, the only one around seemed to be the one in the cage.

"This is great! They must all be off having a snack!" Pappagg said optimistically.

"It's obviously a trap! They're all hiding somewhere, waiting for us to get closer!" Franky said.

"Ehhhh?!?! Really?!?!" The starfish and mermaid shouted.

"This is how you keep getting captured!!!" He shouted in reply.

"I'm here, Caimie!" A familiar voice shouted. "Don't come over here! I'll be okay! It's a trap! You have to get away!"

"I've definitely heard that voice before," I said.

"...and that silhouette," Zoro said, "I've definitely seen it before. What do you think, Nami?"

"Hm?" Luffy was confused. It didn't surprise me that he'd forget.

"It's definitely suspicious..." she said as she stared hard at his figure. He had coated himself in ink to try and hide himself.

"Let's try this." Sanji yelled out, "Oi! How's Arlong doing?"

"Hm?? Arlong-san?" The octopus answered. "Him, Chuu, and Kuroobi, they're all marine prisoners now! I'm the only one who escaped, and I set up a takoyaki stand like I've always dreamed!" He paused, then his eyes bulged out in shock. "Oh crap!!!"

"It is you!!!" We all shouted. It was the cutely dim-witted octopus fishman that helped Arlong take over Nami's village!

Usopp explained who Hachi was to the members who joined us after entering the Grand Line.

Luffy shouted to Hachi, "like hell we're gonna save a guy like you! Dumbass!" But then he backpedalled a bit, "but wait! Your takoyaki, is it that good?!"

"Oh for the love of..." Zoro trailed off, not even surprised anymore.

"You guys were Hacchin's friends all along?" Caimie beamed.

Zoro turned to the mermaid with the darkest facial expression I have ever seen on the man. "He ain't our friend!"

Caimie backed away screaming with her eyes bulged out at the suddenly angry Zoro.

"Sorry, Caimie," Nami apologized. "I never thought that your friend would turn out to be him."

Caimie was obviously disappointed, as it now seemed like we were unwilling to help her friend. She jumped into the waters, determined to save him herself. We sweat dropped as three fishmen immediately had her captured in the water.

"Damn it!" Sanji grumbled. "I'm going to save Caimie-chan atleast, she didn't do anything!"

"Sanji-kun, wait!" Nami stopped him. "I decided, let's save that octopus guy too."

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