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Upon arriving at the courthouse, I learned that Franky's women, Kiwi and Mozu, were trying to lower the drawbridge. I helped clear the marines from both sides before heading up to the roof.

I finally made it to the rest of the crew, appearing in a whirl of dragons next to Nami.

Robin was cuffed next to the CP9 agents, and it seemed she was still trying to get us to give up.

"No matter what sea I go to, I have this enemy that I can't shake! My enemy is 'the world' and it's darkness!" I felt empathy at her words.

The World Government is a great pillar of hope for most of the world, shining light upon the kingdoms and people it protects. But the brighter something is, the darker the shadow it casts. Robin and I have stood in those shadows.

But she needs to understand that Luffy casts his own brightness.

"I've gotten you involved twice already!" She screamed. "Even good natured people like you, will eventually see me as a burden! In time, you will betray me!" My eyes hardened. "That's what I'm most afraid of! If it's a life that I'll eventually lose, I want to just die here, right now!"

I see...she believes that our betrayal is inevitable. She wants to die here with the memory of us as nakama, before her fear comes true.

The half face guy, Spandam, next to her started cackling. "Of course! No one could think you're not a burden with all your problems!" He pointed up, "look at that symbol pirates! That mark represents the unity of 170 nations in the four seas, and the Grand Line! This is the World! Do you understand how small you are against us? Do you understand how big the organization is that's after her?!"

Luffy stared at the flag, and the energy in my body responded as he thought of me, "I understand Robin's enemy very well!" He said. "Sogeking."

"Hm?" The sniper responded.

"Shoot through that flag." He demanded.

"Roger." He brought out his weapon, "my new weapon, called Kabuto! Observe its power! Ultimate Fire-Bird Star!"

The flag was shot straight through the middle, going up in flames as the wind blew. I could almost hear the entire island react as we declared war on the World Government itself.

"Are you bastards insane?!" Spandam shouted. "Don't think that you could survive having the world as your enemy!"

"I'd be happy to live with that!" Luffy stated, surprising the marine. "Robin!!! I haven't heard you yet! Say you want to live!!!"

Robin finally broke down, throwing out all of her reservations, finally putting her trust in her Captain. "I wadda live!!" She yelled through her tears. "Take me with you!!! To the ocean!"

"Waaaah I love you guys!!" The man with weird hair cried.

"The drawbridge is lowering!" Chopper said.

"Alright, here we go!" Luffy grinned.

There was suddenly an explosion, and the drawbridge stopped moving. Spandam took this chance to retreat, "come! Nico Robin! Someone take Cutty Flam!"

Nami grabbed my arm before I could disappear, and I turned to her with tears in my eyes. "I can reach her... Robin..."

"I know. Just wait," she told me. "We'll get there, together."

"Spandam!" Franky called. He held out really old looking papers. That must be the blueprints the shipwrights are willing to die for. The whole reason both Robin and Franky were captured.

Robin can awaken an ancient weapon, and those blueprints are the only defense the world would have against it. Franky burnt the blueprints to ashes, surprising everyone.

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