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We made it to the shore where we saw something very large covered in a cloth. If that was the ship, then it's huge!!!

"Heeey!! We're here Franky! Give us the ship!" Luffy demanded. "Oh, Ice-ossan!" He greeted when the mayor sat up.

Now that I'm looking, I could see the 3 main Galley La employees passed out on the ground.

"Welcome, unfortunately Franky isn't here, so allow me to show you the ship instead." He stood up, "this ship is amazing! When I saw the blueprints, I was astonished. It will be able to cross any kind of sea! You can even go to the ends of the world!"

I started bouncing on my heels, half tempted to go on ahead using the realm. I refrained and remained patient.

"Show me already!!!" Luffy demanded.

"Franky left me a message for you; 'if you will be the pirate king one day, then set sail on the King of Beasts!!!" Iceberg pulled off the cloth.

Everyone's eyes sparkled as they took in the sight. I'm sure mines weren't any duller!

It was bright and colorful, and the smiling lion figure head drew my attention the most. It definitely felt like it was made specifically for our crew.

We ran onto the ship and I listened as everyone couldn't stop gushing about it. It already felt like home!

Chopper was playing on a slide and Luffy was rolling around on the grass. Was this even a ship anymore?! It's amazing!

I was in awe at the giant fish tank in the dining room, it was made so we'd always have a fresh supply of sea creatures as we traveled. I'm sure I'd be spending most of my time here!

I emerged from the inside to hear Iceberg telling Luffy to take Franky by force, just like the Franky Family told us. So it seems we definitely would be leaving with Franky as our shipwright!

Chopper went along with the monster trio to fetch him. The other shipwrights eventually woke up, so I went over to thank them properly.

Nami eventually joined me and gave her own words of appreciation. I raised my eyebrow and started turning when I felt her mischief. I felt her foot on my back and yelped as she pushed me over.

"Nami what the hell?!" I shouted. She was already running, towing Lulu and Tilestone away.

I heard a cough from beneath me, and glanced down to see a red faced Paulie. "Ah, sorry." I rolled off of him, "I'll get her back for that," I said as I raised my fist and started walking away.

He sat up, "hold on." I turned. "You guys are sailing off here?" I nodded. "Today?"

"As soon as we pick up our new shipwright," I said.

He deflated a bit. "I see...maybe..." his face turned red again, "next time...I think...I might...if the offer still stands, I mean..."

I gave him a small smile when I connected his stuttering, "next time I'm in the area? You might be married to a nun by then."

"I don't like nuns..." he grumbled. "And I don't hate shameless women either."

I laughed, "Until next time, then." I walked back onto the ship.

My ears were drawn to the sounds of a commotion in the city, and a bottom naked Franky landed in a pile of scraps. Luffy and Chopper arrived not much later, with Franky's underwear in Choppers mouth. Gross. Luffy took it from him.

"Give me back my pants, Strawhat." Franky demanded.

"If you want it back, then be my nakama," Luffy grinned.

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