Ch 62

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"Damn that Kuma!!!!" I was barely able to hear over the wind in my ears. I couldn't do anything. After Kuma tapped me, I had blacked out for a bit. And when I opened my eyes, I was flying! But not with my wings, I tried to spread them to slow myself, but the force of my surroundings prevented that.

I had no idea how long I was flying. Kuma said this was his last act as my friend, so I could only hope that my friends will be spared as well. I could feel that my partners were still alive, at least. But I couldn't get a good sense of their direction, jetting through the skies like this.

Exhaustion crept up on me, and before I knew it, I fell asleep.


My eyes flew open in shock when I realized my back was on the ground. When had I landed?!

I turned my head, seeing nothing but white soil around me and snow capped mountains in the distance. I sat up with a groan. I couldn't feel any humans around, and I could barely feel my partners. All I knew is that they were in four very different directions. So...Kuma did send all of us off.

I hope there's people here. I had no energy. Wait...huh? I had energy. The energy of ten average men, to be exact.

I sighed, they knew enough to know what they were doing. I opened up my Realm. Several dragons immediately flew out, and my new friends followed quickly. I could feel their immense relief.

They all started talking at once, and with my dragons also chittering in my ear I quickly grew annoyed. I let myself fall back onto the ground, shutting them up effectively.

"Why're you in a giant paw print?" I heard Tank ask.

I sighed before answering, "first thing, are you all okay? Pascia?"

I heard her soft footsteps, "I'm here. We're all fine, but where are we? We haven't seen you for 3 days!"

"Sorry bout that," I said. "You guys really saved me just now though, you would've been stuck if you hadn't done that," I admitted. "Creeper, you there?" I felt a weight on my chest soon after. "You guys, see if you can find anything about this place. Report back quickly."

They flew off to do just that.

"Now..." I addressed everyone else. I opened my eyes, "I don't know where we are, but I know that we're far away from Sabaody." I smiled when they immediately relaxed. "Please wait a bit more, if there's a town here, I'm sure we'll be able to get you to safety soon."

"Are you okay?" Pascia asked.

I sat back up, "don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Ahhhhh...I'm so hungry." My lips pulled down into a frown, I hadn't eaten in 3 days.

"We'll make you something! Can you let us back in?" One of the men asked. "I'm Ren, by the way."

"Will you really do that for me?!" My eyes brightened in excitement. "I'd appreciate it! Thank you, Ren!"

He scratched his head bashfully, "I saved our's really nothing."

"Well, I'm counting on you! Fair warning though, I eat a lot!"


"You weren't kidding..." said Tank.

"Shut it, it's my first meal in three days!" I argued through another mouthful of food. I felt their attraction, but it was so much easier to ignore now. Were my friends okay? They must be dealing with their own thing, I couldn't feel their energies at all. Maybe the distance was too great? Distance has never been a problem before.

But I guess...we've never been this far apart before.

The others were telling me all about their time in the realm. All of them were sincere, and extremely grateful. I trusted them, and could only hope that I wouldn't regret it later. Oh well, even if it did bite me in the ass later, at least I had saved them.

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