Ch 65

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I woke up panicking, choking on something in my throat. My hands automatically moved to remove the obstruction. I heard shouting around me as I yanked it out. I leaned over the side of whatever I was on and threw up.

"Oi oi, calm down!"

I continued wheezing, as I filled my lungs naturally. "Why the hell was that in my mouth?!"

"Huh?! You were dying yoi!" I focused my eyes and saw Marco.

"How long was I out? Ace? Is he..." I trailed off. Did it work? I was almost afraid to find out.

Marco ran his hand down his face, "Ace...he's..."

"Extremely fucking angry at you."

I snapped my head to the doorway. Ace... standing there in all his shirtless glory. My eyes watered. Before I could stop it, I threw my head back and wailed.

I'm so happy...I'm so happy!!!

He let me cry for a little while before I was whacked in the head. "Stop crying you little shit!"

"Oi oi, don't go beating up my patient! And what the hell are you doing up?"

Ace continued shouting around Marco at me, "don't be so happy! You think it's okay to risk your life like that?! I swear you're just as reckless as Luffy!"

I sniffled and wiped at my eyes, "Ace...I -" I hiccuped. "I-" I stared at him as I struggled to get my words out, and he sighed.

"What, lil sis?" He asked me gently. I smiled at the old nickname, the one I was sure I'd never hear again.

"I...I'm hungry."

"Oi Oi Oi!" I laughed as Marco tried to keep the fire-head away from me.


"I'm really sorry, Ace." I told him with tears in my eyes. "I didn't even think about that."

He sighed and pouted. "Guess I need a new name."

He had died, we all knew that. But it was cemented in when we realized he didn't have his devil fruit abilities anymore. I let out a shaky breath.

"It's not your fault, lil sis. I guess I never really thanked you, huh?"

"Nope! Who's the best sister in the world?!" I asked him with my eyes bright and waiting.

His eyebrows twitched, "nevermind. I'm gonna scold you again." I groaned. "How am I supposed to let you leave when I know you're gonna go back to Luffy?! How many times have you almost died doing that for him?!"

"Zero, actually." I stated. I pretended to think about it, "you know, maybe I should join your crew instead. It seems like you need my help more than he does."

"Get out."

I laughed until tears escaped my eyes. "Wait wait, I will leave, but I need a favor."

"What is it?" Ace asked. He was still very much like the Ace I had always known, but he felt different. I could feel remnants of my soul in his. It was worrying, but Marco said it was only natural. He had cheated death, of course he'd be different.

"I need to get to Luffy, but I don't have the power for it..."

Ace groaned as he realized what that meant.

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