Ch 8

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It was warm...I have never felt a warmth so satisfying. It was Luffy. My heart jumped as I realized Zoro was also there. His energy wasn't as strong as Luffy's, but it still fueled my body more than I have ever known.

I tried to stay calm, Zoro knows what this would do, for him to feel lust like he is, it's obviously intentional. They were healing me, I told myself.

The panic died down and I was able to focus again. The pain was mostly gone, I realized.

I opened my eyes to see the two boys. I blushed at the heated gazes on my skin.

"Ahem..." I coughed to get their attention.

"Hana!" Luffy shouted. Zoro just looked away, embarrassment coating his features.

"Luffy...what happened?" What could have caused him to suddenly forget about me?

"I think I fell asleep, but I don't remember falling asleep." Ah. Luffy can usually keep up his energy even while he's sleeping. It's on a smaller level, but it's enough most of the time. But if he were to suddenly fall asleep, or get knocked out, it cuts off.

"What happened to you? It looked like every bone in your body was broken," Zoro asked.

"I was flying...I didn't notice I had no power until I hit the ground." Their eyes widened in realization.

"Hana...I'm so sorry," Luffy trembled. "I keep hurting you."

"Oh Luffy..." I cried at his guilt. "It's not your fault, I'm the one who keeps putting so much pressure on you! I'm so have to rely on you so much, I wish I wasn't so weak."

"Then don't rely on him so much." Zoro said.

"I know," I said through my tears. "I need to get stronger, through my own power." I clenched my fist.

"Stupid woman," he grumbled. "What I meant was, rely on me too." I snapped my head to look at him. He turned away, blushing. "I'll give you my strength. Use me, to help carry this crew across the seas. Isn't that your own power?"

I stared at him as his words settled deep into my soul. He wants me to use him. He wants to give me his strength...Just like Luffy.

"...thank you, Zoro." I then addressed both of them, "I promise, I'll treasure your strengths, and give it back tenfold!"

"I expect nothing less!" Luffy said.

I stood up and stretched, feeling good as new. I grinned at the boys, "you guys are amazing!"

A rush of power flooded me from both of them, I blushed. Gonna have to get used to that.

"Ah! Usopp!" Luffy blurted out, suddenly remembering.

We found Nami, who made herself at home in my kitchen. Luffy told us about the plan he and Usopp overheard from the butler. The butler used to be a pirate, and he was going to use his old crew to cause panic within the village, before killing the young lady in the mansion.

The two scheming pirates saw Usopp and Luffy on top of the cliff, and that's the last thing he could remember.

I sent the boys out first to find Usopp. I still needed to change out of my bloodied clothes, and I decided to keep Nami with me. She probably had some questions.

We didn't have much time, so I explained as best as I could while moving around. Basically everything, also stressing the importance of secrecy.

"And, Nami," I swallowed, hurt. "I understand your disgust. It's definitely unnatural, and I have a really hard time with it as well. I just want to say before we go back, I was happy, being your friend!" I smiled wide at her before sending us back.

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