Ch 70 - Timeskip Adventures

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I gazed at familiar sights with a wide grin on my face. I said goodbye to the Army, but it wasn't as if I'd never see them again. Ace stayed with Sabo, so if I really needed to, I could always bother him.

I told Robin I'd meet her at Sabaody, I wanted to visit someone before heading into the New World. She watched me leave with a knowing smirk on her face.

Water Seven was the island right before the Red Line, so it wasn't as if I was going totally out of my way for this. I went into the realm before heading into the island. I knew that Mayor Iceberg was previously working with the government, so it was safer this way.

It didn't take too long to find the Mayor, he was holed up in his office talking to what must be his new secretary.

As soon as she left, I stepped out to greet him. He was very surprised to see me, but welcomed me into his office.

We were talking about how strange it was that Robin and Franky, individuals with world defining secrets, both found themselves on the same tiny crew led by my captain. I told him about me as well. The man had kept his own world-defying secret, and I knew he's a man that can be trusted.

"Keep your eyes on us, Iceberg-san," I said with a grin. "We're going to do amazing things."

"Mah, I have no doubts about that." He sat back in his chair. "You guys are already famous."

I let out a laugh and stood up, "well, I've taken up too much of your time already. I should get going. Sorry you had to cancel your appointments."

He waved his hand in dismissal, "I would've canceled anyway."

I laughed and went to the window, "see ya! Thanks for talking with me!"

"Hana." I paused as he called out to me mid-flight. "Paulie is at the main Galley-La warehouse."

I blushed a deep shade of red and sputtered out a word of gratitude. Iceberg informed me earlier that there should be no marines on the island, so I should be fine to fly. But the main warehouse was right next door, so I just flashed through the wall instead.

I sweat dropped when I saw just how many people were working here. I hovered in flight, trying to spot him, but it was no use. Oh well, guess I gotta ask. I left the realm and floated down. I found a nice little area to sit on the massive ship they were working on.

I already gathered many eyes to me. My large black wings weren't exactly made for subtlety. The working men fell to silence as the rest took notice of me. I could hear and feel the hushed murmurs as they commented on my beauty. I kicked my legs back and forth in excitement, I couldn't wait to show my crew how I've grown.

"Hey! This area is employees only!" A loud voice shouted up at me.

I found it's owner and beamed excitedly. "Tilestone! I'd recognize that booming voice anywhere!"

"Who the hell are you?!"

I laughed as he was scolded for being rude. "I'm glad to see you haven't changed a bit!"

"Why the hell is everyone standing around?!" The man I was searching for walked through the door yelling. "We have orders to finish!"

I grinned and spoke loud enough for my voice to reach him, "my fault, Paulie. I'll come back later if you're busy!"

His eyes shot up to me warily. "How did you get in here? What do you want, dressed so shamelessly ?! This place is full of men!" He held his ropes out in a defensive stance, "I wouldn't try anything funny if I were you."

I hopped off of the ship, startling the ones closest to it as my wings blew dust around. "Is that a promise?" I giggled, looking pointedly at his ropes. I felt a spark of recognition. "I came for you, Paulie," I smiled. "That is...if you're still into shameless women?" I asked with my hands crossed behind my back.

"H-Hana?" He stuttered out with a blush. "You look different."

"Hana-san?!" I waved to the other familiar faces.

"It's been two years," I reminded him. "So?" I walked closer. "I'll explain my appearance, if that's what your worried about."

"No no, you look...amazing." He coughed awkwardly. "It's just surprising. The wings, the horns, can you really blame that on two years?"

I smiled, I loved my horns, and I couldn't wait to get back to show the crew. They were the pride of my partners, the physical representation of their own power. When Doflamingo gave me his power, that was the biggest I've ever seen them. The size now wasn't ideal, I used most of the stored energy to get here.

But Paulie's strength will be stored here too, if he allows it of course.

"I'll explain it to you, if you're interested. You haven't answered me yet. I came all the way this way just for you, ya know?"

Whoops and hollers could be heard from around and I giggled in response to Paulie's embarrassment.

"You're still as shameless as ever." He muttered. "But I guess I don't mind it. I haven't married a nun yet either," he informed me, making me grin.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the giant door, calling back as I did, "sorry guys! Your boss will be taking an early day!"


"I can't believe there's no mark," Paulie muttered as he poked and prodded at his probably tender neck.

"I told you there wouldn't be, didn't I?" I smiled as I laid back on my bed. "And it didn't hurt either, right?"

"No, not at all," he blushed as he remembered exactly what did happened when I bit him.

"Don't worry," I told him when I felt his embarrassment. "It's normal. We could always go again if you feel unsatisfied," I offered with a smile. I sat up and cradled his cheeks, bringing my face to his, breathing him in. "I've waited a long time for this. I can wait until you're ready again."


I flew from the island with a smile on my face. That was fun. I didn't stay for too long. I knew Robin wouldn't have made it yet either, so I had time to spare.

But now, finally! Sabaody Archipelago, after two long years, we're on our way again. I'm coming, everyone!

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