Ch 23

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I woke up to someone prodding my back. The sunlight filtered in through the window, was it the next day? They were on the other side of the bed, so I couldn't see who it was.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," he sounded like a child.

"No worries, thank you for taking care of me, doctor," I said.

He paused before quickly taking a few steps back, "shut up, you idiot! Calling me a doctor doesn't make me happy! Idiot!"

I smiled as I could hear the giddiness in his voice. "How do I look?"

He came back to the bed, he had just taken off the old bandages. "I stitched up the wounds, but there was a lot of damage to the skin. It'll scar, really bad."

I'm not worried about scarring. My wings will rip through it again. It's why I haven't bothered with the stitches. "That's fine, I'm just glad I'm alive." I turned to look at my savior, shock filling my system as I registered the reindeer standing by my bed on two legs. Cute...

He saw me staring and finished up with the bandages quickly. I think I upset him.

"I'll check on your bandages later," he mumbled, going to walk away.

"Ah wait!" I called out. He stopped. "Can I get out of bed?"

"You can, only if you go slowly, and don't overexert yourself," he said.

"Thanks! Can you help me? I don't want to walk by myself in an unfamiliar castle."

He slowly nodded and helped me get to my feet. My vision blurred a bit as I stood up, the reindeer helped me steady myself. I smiled in thanks as we slowly walked out of the room.

"What's your name?" I asked him. "My name is Hana."

"...Tony-Tony Chopper. I'm called just Chopper usually." He's sooo cute!

"Can you tell me what caused Nami's fever?" I asked, we need to avoid that happening again.

"Were you guys on a prehistoric island? She was bit by a bug that went extinct a long time ago." That struck a cord with me.

"Eh? A bug? Can you show me what it looks like?" Maybe it's the same. He lead me to a room with a bunch of books and supplies.

"Chopper," a voice called. I turned to see a skinny old lady, she must be the 140 year old witch, Dr. Kureha. She spoke to me with a wide grin, "finally woke up, eh? I knew you would, just like your friends. You missed all the excitement though."

I smiled at the lady, bowing slightly, "thank you so much for everything you two have done for us."

She cackled slowly, "are you happy?"

"I am," I grinned, even without my powers, I'm so happy we are all alive. "What did I miss?" I asked.

"I think you know of him, Wapol?" I nodded, remembering the stupid hippo. "He tried to take over the castle."

"Ehh?" My eyebrows shot up. "I missed it?! I hope Luffy sent him flying!"

"He did," Choppers eyes brightened as he remembered, "Luffy is amazing!"

"I know," I smiled. He opened up a book and pointed to a picture.

"This is Kestia, an ancient bug that causes a 5-day disease. The result is always death," Dr. Kureha spoke as she saw me staring at the page.

This is the same doubt about it.

"Dr. Kureha-"

"Call me Docterine," she interrupted.

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