Ch 44

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Luckily, I was able to pull out the metal rings without using my portals. I learned that the guys name was Paulie, and he called almost every female shameless.

I ordered my dragons to hide under my wings for now, just incase I needed them later. They were happy to be on-call, so to speak.

We ran through the halls, and Paulie directed Luffy to the Mayors door. He crashed through the one next to it.

"Moron!" Paulie shouted. "It's not this one! It's the next door!"

"The next one?!"

I laughed, but I knew that a certain swordsman was even worse.

I didn't like the feel of the room next door, but I could feel Zoro and Nami coming closer. Chopper was definitely with them as well. We'll be okay.

He crashed through the wall that separated the two rooms, rather than using the door. "Where's Robin?!" He shouted.

"Luffy!" I heard Robin and Zoro shout.

The dust settled, and we glanced at the faces in the room. They were all faces of the Galley-La that worked under the mayor. Nami and Luffy were confused. And Paulie was in shock.

"So...the assassins were working on the inside?!" Nami asked.

"Hey...I recognize the square-nose," Zoro said. That is definitely the guy that checked out the ship.

The guy with the pigeon on his shoulder spoke first, "we're actually government intelligence operatives."

I inhaled sharply, but forced the panic down before it could give me away.

He continued to taunt Paulie, forcing the carpenter to make an attack. He ended that fight by piercing Paulie's chest with his... finger?!

"It's no use. We have mastered martial art techniques that far surpass those of normal humans," he said as he shook the blood off his finger.

Luffy attacked him, and he used the same attack to pierce Luffy's neck. Luckily it couldn't pierce his rubbery skin, otherwise he'd be dead. Luffy grabbed Paulie to create distance between him and the enemy.

Finally, we asked Robin what we had come here for. Why she was leaving the crew.

"To achieve my goal," she answered. "It's a goal that I can't achieve if I stay with you people. To accomplish it, I will sacrifice anything!"

"So that's why you're able to frame your friends as assassins without hesitating?" Zoro asked, angry.

Robin was carefully controlling her emotions, she felt like Mrs. All Sunday again.

Iceberg was on the floor, badly injured. But he still had to energy to yell at Robin, "do you understand what you're trying to do?!"

Robin immobilized him, "you no longer have the right to say anything."

"I'm gonna interrupt you here," the pigeon guy said. "Kalifa, how much longer?"

"2 minutes," she answered simply.

"This is sudden, but this whole mansion will be engulfed in flames in 2 minutes." Everyone gasped in shock. "It's a great way to destroy evidence. I suggest you evacuate quickly, if you do not wish to burn to death." The enemies faced us, "that is, if you can."

"Looks like they mean to eliminate us. And Robin seems to want to stay on that side." Zoro stated. "Luffy, are you okay with Robin leaving the crew?"

Luffy's determination flared, and I felt happy that he still believed in her like I did. "Hell no!" He shouted.

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