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"I'm sorry I ever burdened you with my presence...Just leave me here to die!" I spoke as I felt someone carrying me. The bridge suddenly gave way and we fell, crashing into the ground. "Owww...what the hell was that?!"

Zoro and Franky stood in front, surprised at the destruction of the bridge. They noticed us and came over. "What happened?"

"There were these ghosts and-"

"Oh those. Don't let them touch you," Zoro warned me.

I gained an irk mark, "thanks for the warning." I tilted my head as he stabbed at a wall. "What are you doing?"

"This wall...I don't think it was here earlier."

"That's not a wall!!!" We heard Usopp scream. "It's Luffy's zombie!!!"

"What?!?!" The zombie stood up, he was bigger than even Broggy and Dorry! No way this is a regular giant! He reached above us, and we went to defend ourselves, but he simply plucked a piece of the mansion to wear as a hat.

"Alright!" The giant zombie spoke. "I'm in a good mood now, I'll become the pirate king!"

I grinned, "that was so cute!" Zoro slapped my head.

"Oi Hana! Can you throw that bag of salt into his mouth?" The sniper asked me.

"Oh! Good idea! I'll do that!" I disappeared in a flurry of dragons. I flew straight to the giant with the bag in my hand, fully intending to just toss it through a portal into his mouth. I wasn't expecting the giant to close his fist around my form as I came within his reach. I reacted in time to save everything but my leg from being crushed. My vision flashed white hot from the pain.

He opened his fist and stared at his empty palm. "Hm? I thought I caught something. Oh well." He dropped his hand.

I flashed to the others from free fall and stumbled to the ground. I came out from the realm when I was covered.

"Owwww...I should've known. It's Luffy's shadow, if I can sense him, he can sense me."

"Damn it!"

"Sorry..." I told them. Zoro lifted me bridal style. My leg tingled as it started healing.

We turned to the mansion to see Franky already done with a bridge, allowing us to cross. We made it into a room to see a cute goth girl surrounded by those ghosts.

"That ghost! Don't tell me, this cutie-chan is the one manipulating them?!" Sanji shouted in disbelief.

"There's no where left to run!" She said. "Negative Hollow!" The ghosts passed through all 4 of them, the one targeting me passed through nothing but realm. I yelped in pain when Zoro dropped me as he crumbled.

Usopp got on his knees as well, "it's over...everything..." !!! I tilted my head at Usopp's surprise. He shouldn't be feeling that if his soul got hollowed out, as she mentioned they do.

The others were definitely hollow, they felt like brittle shells. It was very unsettling, seeing the usually determined bunch talk about death so easily.

"Random shot! 'Salt Star'!" I heard the sniper say. I saw and felt the moment the zombies shadows were purged. "I won't let you lay a hand on my crew!" I clapped at his bravery.

Another ghost passed through him, but he still stood tall. "How are you not on your knees?! What did you do?!" She turned to me, "you too!!!"

"I didn't do anything," Usopp said. "I'm already negative!" He boasted proudly. I couldn't help but snicker.

There was a beat of silence, before the zombies started cheering for the poor sniper who had no hopes to hollow out.

"Don't cheer me on!"

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