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Nami and I were enjoying a bath on the Thousand Sunny. At first, I had been hesitant since I had one in my home, but Nami insisted. And I'm so glad she did. There was something amazing about bathing in a giant tub while the ship rocked around it.

"That was amazing!" Nami said as we got dressed.

"I agree," I smiled. "I think I'll be bathing on the ship more often."

"Let's ask Robin to join next time!"

I started laughing, "you mean for the bath or our pre-relaxation activities?"

Nami blushed as she dried her hair, "you know exactly what I meant, you pervert."

I giggled, "of course. But I agree, next time, let's ask her!"

Zoro's voice broadcasted through the ship, "there's something in the water!"

By the time we got to the upper deck, the boys had already brought it on board. It was a regular old barrel, and they imagined what could possibly be sealed inside. They debated on opening it or not, but I knew that arguing was pointless. Luffy would open it.

My eyes followed the red flare into the sky, and I sighed. I put on my coat knowing we'd probably have company soon.

"There's a storm coming! Everyone to your posts!" Nami ordered.

In a few minutes, the storm hit us. Franky took this moment to proudly show off the Sunny's paddles, and we were out of it quickly.

"But what's with this sea?" I asked.

"It shouldn't be night yet. The fog's so thick it's hard to see," I heard Zoro.

"Have we entered that part of the sea already? My hearts not ready yet!" Nami said as she clutched her chest.

"No doubt about it," Franky said. "This is that Florian Triangle. The sea where almost everything disappears, shrouded in mystery."

Sanji had his lighter up to his face, making the shadows of his features stand out. He told Usopp everything that Kokoro had warned us about making the sniper tremble.

"Yohohoho...yohohoho..." we heard a voice singing. We stared into the fog. Without warning, a huge ghost ship emerged from its cover.

"Ghost ship?!?!" We all shouted.

I was trying to hear the voice over Usopp's panicked shoutings but he made it almost impossible. I stared up into the ship and I'm pretty sure I could see a figure in the distance.

"This ship..." Robin started. "Is there someone riding on it?" At her words, the shouting stopped.


"Somethings there," Sanji agreed. Zoro got excited at the prospect of it being an enemy.

"Go and deliver...Bink's brew..." at that line, our eyes zeroed in on the singing skeleton holding a tea cup.

My eyes widened, and everyone started shouting.


I pouted on the deck. Luffy, Sanji, and Nami were the only ones allowed to go into the ghost ship. "Nami didn't even want to go! I could've taken her place!" I argued again.

Zoro bonked me lightly on the head, "you'd only encourage Luffy's reckless behavior. She went to stop him from making any stupid decisions."

"But it's a ghost ship!!! With a talking skeleton! How are you gonna make it up to me for ruining this once in a lifetime adventure?!" I blinked at the scene behind the swordsman. "Oh. Nevermind," I grinned.

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