Ch 27

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Sanji was cooking up the Sandora Dragons using the heated rocks as a frying pan. After we ate our fill, I put the rest in storage. The camel that Luffy brought apparently saved Chopper back when we were in town, and he joined us in our desert journey.

He'd only carry females though. I declined, so Nami and Vivi both got on. The camel they named Lashes then started running full speed into the desert, leaving us all behind.

I can't say I was surprised. We tried to follow them, but quickly got left behind. We trudged on for a few hours. I was chatting with Ace, telling him how much things have changed with me. He was so proud, and he knew it was just the beginning.

I noticed when we started to trail off from the group, but I just kept walking. They'll be fine. I sent Creeper back when he started grumbling about the heat.

I heard a familiar whistling in the air and was so happy to see the 10 dragons. They were each carrying what they could, but it'd definitely be enough to feed the flock. I sent them home. I had no idea what they hunted, but given the dangers we've encountered so far, I can tell they're more than capable.

I did feel Luffy's energy drop completely sometime during our journey, but Zoro's was still there. He's gotten pretty good at keeping his energy steady.

Even with Luffy's power gone, I could still tell that they were together. He probably just passed out from the heat or something.

"Oi, any sight of the girls?" Ace asked. He looked behind us and noticed we were alone. "Eh? Where'd they go?"

"They're back that way somewhere. They're fine," I smiled.

"Idiot! When were you going to tell me we lost them?!"

"Why am I responsible for your bad observation skills?" I pouted. "Want me direct us back? Or do you wanna head into that town for supplies?" I pointed forward seeing the town in the distance.

"I guess more food and water would be helpful," he admitted.

I grinned, glad that we could talk more. A huge scorpion thing appeared in front of us. It snapped it's claws menacingly.

"I wouldn't if I were you," Ace threatened. But he did. He was roasted a nice red color just a moment later.

I didn't take it with us, because I didn't know if it was edible. I didn't want to risk my dragons.

As we walked away, another strange creature appeared. It was a purple lizard, but it was bigger than us. It stepped in front of us, not letting us go past. He noticed the scorpion behind us and started crying.

"Awww, Ace! You scared him!"

We got the lizard to take us to the town in the distance. We were walking past a building and saw a huge amount of food being served. We helped ourselves!

The four men around the table were fake rebel soldiers who were getting paid to protect the town. They were about to run away due to the threat of Sand Pirates that they knew they couldn't defeat.

"What a cowardly thing for four grown men to do," I mumbled, loud enough for them to hear me.

"Who the hell are you? When did you get in here?!" They shouted, prepared to fight.

I sat and waited for Ace to finish beating them up. "This place has good food," he mumbled around a mouthful of food.

"Yes yes, definitely!" The leader of the four, Camu, said.

"Zzzzzzz..." Ace face dropped into his plate and he snored into his food.

The leader smirked at me as he realized Ace had fallen asleep. Ace woke up a little later to see Camu with more bumps on his head, crying a little. I smiled innocently.

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