Ch 18

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Luckily I had run into Nami not far from where I left Zoro and Luffy. She was probably looking for treasure. Apparently she was also cautious from the beginning, and she knew the gist of what was happening here.

"Are the others okay? Luffy was taken," I informed her.

She wasn't too concerned. "I must've left before he was taken, he was still there when I left. So I can't be sure about the others."

"Thanks Nami. Zoro and Luffy are back that way," I pointed. "Can you tell me what building the others are in?"

She pointed in the direction she came from, "somewhere back that way. I was walking for a few minutes."

We parted ways, both with different goals in mind.

I made it to the building a little later and cringed at the mess. These guys really let themselves go here. Sanji and Usopp were the only ones still sleeping. I could just send them to my home. Sanji knew how to call for me.

Although I doubt they'd be waking up anytime soon.

At this point, I could feel Luffy's energy dropping once in awhile. Meaning he's still conscious, but he's fighting against a tough opponent. I could hear a lot of crashes and explosions as well. It must be a pretty tough fight! Did they have stronger guys here then?

I made sure we were alone before taking Sanji and Usopp into my Realm. I just set them on couches in my living room, and then made my way back out.

Zoro and Luffy's energy has been calm for awhile, so I decided to go check on the ship. I made sure I was alone and then stepped into the Demon Realm. I didn't know exactly where the ship was, so finding it this way was much faster.

I stepped out into the sleeping quarters and brought the two boys back. They'll be fine here. I went on deck, and to my surprise, Karoo was sitting there.

"Hi Karoo!! You're so handsome! Are you staying with us now?" I fawned over him, patting his soft feathers.

I heard a loud explosion coming from the island and Luffy flared for me soon after. I went into the Demon Realm and stepped out behind a building. I caught up to run with them.

"Hana! Is everyone okay?" Luffy asked.

"They're fine, I brought them back to the ship. What's going on?" He was upset, they all were. I noticed Mrs. Wednesday was also running with them.

"We'll explain on the ship! We gotta hurry!" He said.

"Okay, I'll get it ready to depart."


I ran in a different direction until I couldn't feel any other humans around. Then I flashed back to the ship. The two were still sleeping, and the duck was still there. I guess this means she'll be traveling with us once more. Something big must've happened.

I pulled up the anchor, and was up on the rafters ready to release the sails. Zoro and Luffy made it on first a little later. The girls came after, and upon seeing her duck was already on board, they boarded as well. I released the sails immediately.

We began moving through the river. Usopp and Sanji woke up and started objecting to leaving.

"They really stayed clueless until the end," I watched as Nami explained the situation with only her fists. I laughed as they no longer could complain.

I quieted when I felt another human presence on the ship. "It's a good thing we were able to escape," the female voice said. "Let's be careful not to crash into any of the rocks."

I glanced up to see a pretty lady sitting on the upper deck rails.

"Just leave it to me!" Nami said confidently. Then she paused, "Hana, was that you just now?"

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