Ch 41

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I was woken up by everyone shouting about who was being louder. Really guys... I sighed and sat up. The other party goers around us were being woken as well.

I rounded up the crew in the forest, where Luffy told us his plan to steal the gold. Well, his idea. The rest of us had to plan it.

We were in the snake by the time the sun rose. "Wow, I can't believe this place!" It really did look like a giant cave, but there was gold as far as the eyes could see.

We were going to steal as much as we could carry, so Nami was going to prepare for our departure at the ship so we could make a quick getaway.

We exited the snakes mouth with bags full of treasure, and Robin still wasn't in sight. The shandians and angels were also gone, so we didn't have to worry about being caught for now.

We were waiting for a while. "Robin is so slow..." Luffy groaned.

"Let's just leave without that damn woman," Zoro said.

I pushed his head, "don't be mean," I scolded him.

"You bastard! We can't do that!" Usopp shouted.

"Stupid!" Luffy joined.

"Green haired bastard!" Of course that would be Sanji.

I could see the irk mark on Zoro's forehead getting bigger at every new insult.

Then I heard the little voice of Chopper, "bastard green-hair!" I looked to see his eyes shining in excitement to be joining in. He's so cute!!!

I could almost hear the physical snap as Zoro's patience broke, "I'll show you not to cuss at me!"

They all became a tangle of punches and kicks, I could only crawl away as I couldn't stop laughing.

"What if we left you every time you got lost taking 3 steps away from us?!" Usopp shouted. I laughed even harder at that, it's totally happened before.

"Hey! I see her! Robin!" Usopp shouted.

Luffy looked up, "Robin! Hurry up! We stole their gold and we need to run!"

"Dimwit! Don't blurt it out! Don't you see all those people behind her?!" Sanji yelled.

"Told you we should've left without her," Zoro mumbled.

"This isn't good! They have a huge cannon!" Usopp stated.

I looked to see something that indeed looked like huge cannon. But then, why would Robin be casually leading the group?

"Let's go back to the ship! We're super rich now!" Luffy shouted as he turned around to show his bag of gold.

We ran off as we heard them protesting. Robin caught up to us and I had to ask as I felt her heart light with humor, "did we miss something?"

She laughed, "nothing at all!"

We finally made it to the ship, Nami and Conis quickly set sail. Conis and her father are escorting us to clouds end where we will safely descend to the blue seas again.

I listened as everyone talked about what we should buy with our new fortune. I didn't tell anyone that my treasure storage was also full of gold. I'm not hiding it for myself, of course, my storage is for them. But if they knew I had it, they'd spend it. It's also why no one else had access to it, unlike the food storage.

"Hana, what would you buy?" Nami asked me.

"Hmmm..." I thought long and hard. "You know...there is one thing." I stared at the ground in longing.

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