Ch 10

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We decided to have lunch at the restaurant Luffy damaged. I kept my hood on, but didn't put on my mask. If I got the chance to try out Zoro's new theory, I'll take it!

But I can't actually try it until I let Luffy know. His constant supply of energy is usually strong enough to keep everyone else's undetectable.

We were sat at a round table by one of the employees. We ordered, not really caring about the cost. I knew I could cover it if the others didn't have a plan.

Luffy came out with an apron tied around his waist. He's so cute! "I can't believe you guys are eating good food without me! It's not fair!" He complained.

Zoro egged him on a bit, rubbing it in. Luffy dug out a booger and dropped it in his cup when he wasn't looking. I almost gagged, but really wanted to see how this plays out.

Zoro brought the cup up to his mouth, closer, closer, we stared in anticipation.

"You drink it!!!" The swordsman surprised us by slamming the cup into his captains face. He shook it into Luffy's mouth, who was forced to swallow it.

"Hahahaha!" We all started laughing at Luffy rolling around on the ground! Aw man, I won't be kissing him for awhile!

Our laughter was interrupted by a perverted blonde waiter. I grimaced when I felt how aroused he was as he danced around the restaurant talking to a bunch of different women.

He started flirting extremely heavily with Nami, and I made sure to keep my head turned away. I regretted not putting on a mask. His attraction wasn't directed to me, so I knew I didn't have to worry about his energy. But his lust for every other women in this room makes me think his would rival Luffy's, should he see me.

Nami put on a show, easily getting her food for free. She'd make an amazing succubus, I thought jealously.

"You guys have to pay, of course," he addressed the three of us 'men'. Johnny and Yosaku stayed on the ship to repair it, so it was just Zoro, Usopp, and I. His eyes lingered on my form for a bit, confused. I inwardly panicked, but he let it go. Jeez, does this guy have a sense for women or something?!

He professed his undying love for Nami, and mentioned a great obstacle being the only reason he can't sail the seas with her, very theatrically if I may add.

The owner of the restaurant wearing a tall chefs hat appeared. Apparently, he's the obstacle. He was pretty big, and if his confidence was anything to go by, he was strong as well. He walked on a peg-leg but something told me it wasn't a handicap at all. He spoke in gruff, harsh tones to the young flirt. "We don't need you at this restaurant. You start fights, flirt with every woman you see, and your cooking is shit. Go be a pirate or whatever with them."

"Shitty geezer," the chef said. He was genuinely hurt. "I don't care what else you have to say, but don't trash my cooking. I'm staying until you die." He grabbed the owner by the collar, but the larger man simply threw him into our table.

We quickly grabbed the dishes, not wanting to lose such great food. I noticed one on top of Zoro's head and silently gave my respects to the one who put it up there.

The blond waiter set up our table again, giving Nami a free dessert and drink. He gave us tea, pausing before he set mine down. I tried to sink further into my hood. He's suspicious... but he let it go again.

He turned and whacked Luffy, who forgot he was supposed to be working, and dragged him off.

We finished our meal and went back to the ship.

"Is he really gonna be a chore-boy for a whole year?" Usopp asked.

"What?!" I screamed, "that was the deal?!"

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