Ch 45

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Kokoro had led us to an underground room that held a sea train with a shark head as the front. It looked awesome! Iceberg, who had the same idea as Kokoro, had already finished preparing the train for us.

Nami brought meat and sake for the boys to recover before we set out. The Franky Family also decided to join us on our rescue mission. Their big bro, Franky, was taken as well after all.

Not long after, we were departing. "Rocket Man is leaving the canal! Ready yourselves everyone!"

The train was flying over the open ocean! "Urgent message from control room! We'll be gaining considerable speed as we latch onto the rails! Please brace yourselves so you only receive minor injuries!"

"So we'll get hurt no matter what?" Nami sweat dropped.

As the weather got worse, everyone joined us in this car. Luffy formed an alliance with Galley La and the Franky Family, but called dibs on fighting the pigeon guy.

Nami's den den mushi finally rang and she was able to explain clearly the situation to Sanji.

Luffy and Zoro had to deal with a tidal wave outside, so I took this chance to steal some of Luffy's food.

"Luffy!" Nami called when he got back in, "it's Sanji!"

He took the snail in his hands, "Sanji!" He greeted, "how's Robin?"

"She's still in their hands. Nami-san told me everything just now. Every single thing..." he trailed off. I could hear his voice shaking in anger.

Luffy could hear it as well, "okay. Go kick their ass," he ordered.

"Oi Luffy!" Zoro interrupted. "Don't mess around! Tell him to wait for us!"

"Forget it Zoro," Luffy told him.

I patted his arm, "if it were you, you wouldn't wait for us either, right?" I smiled up at him.

"Oh? Is Marimo-kun actually worried about me?" I heard Sanji say.

I laughed as Zoro immediately denied it.

"But unfortunately, after hearing Robin's reason, I wouldn't stop even if Captain ordered me to." He said. "No matter what!" They hung up the den den.

We started getting ready for battle. Nami changed in the cart and had her weapon out. Every man on the cart besides Paulie was happy at her shamelessness.

Luffy was trying to stuff meat into his pockets.

"Did you change weapons, Nami?" Zoro asked.

"Nope!" She proudly presented her Clima Takt, "Usopp strengthened it using dials!"

"I see! Usopp..." he trailed off as the room darkened at Usopp's name. "Don't act so solemn!!!" He turned to me, "you too!"

"Hana, you should fight without your coat. You have 4 of us now, you'll be fine." Luffy said.

"We're deliberately walking into a snakes nest, Luffy. I don't look that much different from the mouse that ran away," I argued.

He blinked, "huh?"

"She's saying she still looks like she did as a child," Nami explained.

"Exactly," I pulled out a mask from under my coat and put it on. "Now I'm ready!"

My dragons were also ready and waiting in the realm.

There was a group of people still very amazed at Luffy and Zoro's ability to cut the wave, and were reenacting the scene. I clapped my hands at their performance when they defeated the Aqua Laguna wave.

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