Ch 51

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I was with Zoro in the observation room. I was supposed to be doing weight training, and I was for awhile, but I got distracted. Note to self, don't train with Zoro.

My eyes raked over his shirtless form, glistening with sweat. His concentration never broke, and I admired his dedication to always want to get stronger. I sighed, and got up to leave the room.

"Why do you do that?" he asked as he continued his reps.

I tilted my head in confusion, "what do you mean?"

"I don't know what your feeling, so I can't give you what you want if you don't tell me."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said stubbornly.

Before I could blink, my back hit the floor. Warm lips pressed to mine, and my body immediately responded by arching into his.

" what I mean. How could you want me this bad, and think it's okay to not tell me?"

I stared for awhile with a dazed look in my eyes, before regaining my senses. "Because you don't want me, I can feel that you don't. didn't." I said as I now felt him calling out.

"But when I want you, you come running."

I furrowed my brows, "it's not the same," I argued.

"But it should be. Aren't we partners?" He asked with his eye brow raised.

"Yes...but..." I trailed off with a blush.

"You're being stupid," he went back to his weights. "How can you still get embarrassed over things like that?"

"Don't call me stupid," I pouted. "You're the one who was too embarrassed to call me when you got stuck in a chimney."

He choked on his breath and flushed red, "that has nothing to do with this!"

I laughed, "doesn't it though?"

He cleared his throat, "no. I thought you got over your self depreciation when you accepted more partners, but you're still struggling with it, right?"

I pursed my lips, but said nothing.

"I'm just saying, it's hard to feel like your partner when you won't treat me as your equal. It's almost like your giving it to me just for wanting you," he said with a grimace. "Stop making decisions based on what you feel with your powers, I'm your partner, not just some random on the street. I'm sure the others would feel the same."

He continued his workout. Is it so bad that I don't initiate sex? I just don't want to bother anyone. Like moments ago, Zoro was totally concentrated on his workout, not an inkling of lust could be felt.

"You just seemed so busy..." I told him. "I thought that even if I did mention it, you would've said no anyways."

"Why should you get to decide that?" He asked me with his eyes closed. "Maybe I would've said no, I'm allowed to do that. But I could've said yes. You didn't give me the choice."

I sighed, letting it drop, "you're right. I'm sorry."

He opened his eyes and stared, "you're still afraid."

My eyebrows shot up, "afraid of what? You saying no? I can handle the rejection."

"No. You're afraid to push us. Be more selfish, you idiot. We're nakama, you won't lose us so easily."


We didn't have sex. His words left me unsettled and frustrated. I thought I was doing really good. I thought I had finally accepted myself. I thought I had finally reached the point where I could fully embrace the nature that I had been conditioned to hate. But he was right, I was afraid.

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