Ch 69 - Timeskip Adventures

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"Yes?! Do you need me?" My eyes followed the voice of a beautiful young woman. Her heart shone with excitement when she was called. I frowned when I realized she was talking to an older man, who had the worst intentions.

I stopped over on this island simply to take a break from flying. It was also a good chance to refill my inventories, since this island seemed to be well populated with numerous vendors and merchants. I went into a bar to see if I could clean out some of their barrels, when I heard this little exchange.

"Yeah, I need you. Come o'er here," he smirked lecherously. I walked past the woman as she made her way over happily. "Gonna be a good girl for me?"

"Yes!" She smiled.

"Good, you can come over here and suck on this-"

I was already heading back over. I slammed my hands on his table and bared the full length of my fangs, "want me to do it?"

I smirked when him and his little gang of pirates ran out with their tails between their legs. I felt the woman's disappointment as she watched them run out. "I wonder what he needed. I wish I could've helped him," she frowned.

"He was asking to be killed, fufufu," I heard a low voice say. I turned my eyes to meet a large man in pink. Pink pants, pink shoes, pink feather scarf, pink sunglasses, and a white long sleeve button up that was kept open all the way down his muscled torso.

The bloodlust leaking through his pores had me realizing that he was with the young woman, so I turned back to my own business. He could surely keep her from making bad life choices.

I walked to the bartender while feeling the pink man's stare boring holes into my wing-less back. "How much booze can you sell to me? I'm looking for barrels." I placed some money on the bar, showing him what I could part with.

"Sorry miss, 1 large barrel at the most. I have an important group meeting here tonight." He must be talking about that man. He gave off an aura of power that sent chills down my spine. The good, and the bad kind.

"That's fine, I'll take it, please," I said with a smile.

I paid the man when he came back with it and swung the barrel up over my head to carry it out. I was a few steps down the road when a presence directed itself towards me.

"That looks a little heavy," it said. "I'm sure you wouldn't mind me...taking it?" I glanced up to see a man with very round eyes. He had one narrowed and his tongue was sticking out.

I smirked when I realized why he looked familiar. "Ohh? I remember you."

He cackled lowly, "sorry, I don't remember every whore I've been with."

I had my head tilted as I tried to remember, "Yeah, your name had a...ding? A dong? Dingally? Dingaling? Woops!" I bent backwards to avoid his blade, and kicked at the hilt to send it flying. The metal clanged against a bell hanging over the bar door. Both hands left the barrel as I clapped in remembrance, "that's it! BELLymeat!"

"It's BELLAMY!" I simply stopped his knife by catching it with my palm. Blood dripped down my arm, but I wasn't concerned.

"Are you late for a meeting? You have an audience," I let him know. "If getting defeated here will make you lose face, then I suggest you walk away from me. After all," I yanked his arm forward with the grip I had on the knife, bringing his ear right next to my lips, "you're too weak to carry my dreams." I pushed him away.

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