Ch 16

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Luffy and I found ourselves in a tunnel. I had to tell myself every ten seconds that we were, in fact, in a whale.

Luffy was also in disbelief. We walked along the corridor while questioning our own eyes. All of a sudden the whale began to quake. We were getting thrown all the way around the tunnel. Was this whale doing backflips or something?!

I had my coat on, so I was doing my best to catch myself with my feet, but I got hit pretty good in the head a few times. I cursed Luffy and his rubber skull. It seems the whale had calmed down, but we were still flying in one direction, unable to stop.

My head was spinning as we crashed into the end of the tunnel. I vaguely noticed two strangers standing in front of it. I wasn't expecting it to open up to reveal skies.

We were flying above what looked like the open ocean, I could see Merry and the crew safe and sound. I focused on Luffy who was happy to see them as well, before he fell into the water. Damn it, Luffy. You couldn't stretch to the boat or something?!

I fell in as well, I could see the other two scrambling to the surface. Luffy was sinking so I began swimming to him as best as I could without my arms. The two strangers would only have to look down to see me, I couldn't risk it.

I got him braced against my back and started swimming upwards. I noticed two figures swimming towards us and gladly gave Luffy up to Zoro who reached out. Sanji wrapped his arm around my middle and swam upwards faster than I could've done with just my legs.

We surfaced and got on deck of the ship. "Thank you, Sanji!" I said with a smile.

"Happy to help, Hana-chan!" I felt his energy swirling around me.

We turned toward the two strangers who had also been saved. Sanji of course was heart-eyeing the lady. They fired cannons into the painted skies with intentions to hurt the whale.  An old man jumped in front of the projectiles before it could hit its mark. His determination to protect the whale is amazing. I smiled, I like this old guy.

The two strangers were being annoying, talking about taking the whale for food. Luffy used his fists to crash their heads together, effectively shutting them up. I found out the old man was named Crocus, he was a doctor and has made it his mission to protect Laboon, the whale.

We gathered on his island as he told us the story of Laboon. His friends had tried to keep him safe from the dangers of the Grand Line by leaving him here at the capes. They promised to return, but they fell victim to the very dangers they tried to protect him from. They ran away, too scared to return.

My heart broke for the whale as Crocus said it was 50 years ago. He must miss them so much.  Isn't there anything we could do?

Crocus led us down a canal to exit, we didn't want Laboon's stomach acid to start eating at the ship.

Crocus opened up the gate and left with us. I could feel everyone's happiness as we laid our eyes on the real sky. I noticed the two strangers wake up and jump overboard. I just let them. As long as they didn't plan to hurt Laboon again, I had no issues at all with their departure.

Crocus was saying that he told Laboon his friends aren't coming back. Laboon refuses to acknowledge the truth, because that would mean that there is no point in waiting. There's no way for him to get back to the West Blue, so that terrifies him more than anything. He refuses to believe that he's alone here. So he continues to ram his head into Reverse Mountain, as if his friends are right on the other side.

I am crying. He's hurting, and there is nothing in his power he can do to help himself.

My attention shifted to Luffy, who was currently running up the mountain with the mast. Yup, the Merry's mast. We watched in silence just wondering what our boneheaded captain was up to now.

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