Ch 24

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I woke up alone in the medical room. I shot out of bed, feeling everyone around me again. I was fully healed now, no pain and no strain. I went straight into my realm.

"Guys?!" I shouted.

Whistles and squawked greeted my ears as I became buried under a pile of scales and sharp talons.

"I'm so sorry guys, that bug put me out of work. How's everyone? Did I have enough food for you guys?" I could barely hear myself over the excited dragons.

They chittered and whistled in joy, letting me know that they were fine. I almost cried in relief.

Many of them grabbed onto my skin, pressing they little heads into me. I didn't realize how attached I could get to these little guys. I sat down and talked about these last few days. I'm pretty sure they understand me at this point.

"Where's Creeper?" I asked, not seeing my injured little friend. I had started calling him Creeper because of the way he could only crawl around. He wasn't amused at first, but eventually accepted it.

They pointed towards the house, so I went to find him. I had a few of them still clinging onto me. The little wounds I got from their claws didn't bother me at all, it healed just as quickly as they came.

I went into the storage area to see it mostly empty. That was fine, I'm glad they didn't allow themselves to starve to death. "Creeper?" I called.

I heard a loud squawk before I heard his claws clicking on the ground. Very soon he was climbing up my skin, chittering into my ear as if scolding me.

I laughed, "I know, I know. I'm sorry," I patted his little head, "it won't happen again." I glanced around the storage. "I'll try to find you guys a more permanent food source soon, I promise."

His head lowered as he too glanced around. He whistled sadly, and I got the feeling he was apologizing.

"Saying sorry? Don't be stupid, I told you guys to eat. Thank you for taking care of everything for me here," I grinned. I'll have to replenish everything soon though. I grabbed him gently, noticing his bandages were barely hanging on anymore.

I decided to have Chopper see him. I wanted him to heal as fast as possible. I know how it feels to not be able to fly.

I was back on deck soon after, I'll have Creeper join us in a bit. I learned that Chopper was given a brief explanation on what had happened with me. I was okay with it, I'm getting pretty tired of explaining it over and over again.

"That's so cool!" He said, grabbing at my wings.

"Ah! Careful!" I said as he almost touched the bottom. "It's sharp on the bottom edge."

"Awesome!!" He cried.

"Hey, watch this!" I led him over to our friends. "Luffy!" I called, "wanna see something cool?"

"Hana! What is it? Got some meat for me?!"

"Even better!" Everyone had gathered around by now, I was shaking in anticipation. "Give me space guys!" They stared at me, waiting. I brought my hands together, making a few random hand signs, "Katon! Gokakyu no jutsu!!"

I opened a portal right on the outside of my lips, and Creeper shot fire from inside my realm just as planned. He crawled out on his own and hid behind my neck under my hair. As the flames dispersed, I looked around to see everyone's reaction.

Jaw dropped silence.


"Ninja! That was ninjutsu right?!" Usopp shouted.

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