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Thanks for all the votes and comments on Strength! It was the first time I've ever posted any writings of mine, so I really didn't expect much. I never realized how exciting it was to see a new vote or a new comment on a chapter, so thanks for that!

But on the other hand, it's a little nerve wrecking knowing someone is actually reading what I that normal? Lol!

I just got through rereading and editing this entire story and I gotta say, to those of you who finished this story, you guys rock! I had a hard time getting through it again so it means a lot that you've read this far!

The next part to this story won't be updated as quickly. My plan is to write out an entire arc before posting it, so definitely slow moving. But I'm still having fun with it, so I hope I keep it up!

I'm hoping to start posting what I have written so far, right after typing this out. It'll be called "Power"...for now at least. I can't think of anything better right now.

Thanks for everything!

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