Ch 32

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"Man, that was a great sleep! Where's my hat? Sanji! I want breakfast!" He glanced around in confusion. "Food! Hat? Food? HAT! Food?!"

I laughed as I tossed him his hat.

"You just woke up and your already too noisy." Sanji said as he sat down.

Zoro walked in the door. "Oh you're up!"

"Hey Zoro! Long time no see!" He frowned. "Huh? Why did I say that?" Aww he's so cute.

Zoro was currently being scolded for going out to train by Chopper.

"Luffy, you were sleeping for 3 days ya know?" I said.

"What?! I missed 15 meals!" I nodded, having calculated the same thing.

"Why are your calculations so fast when it comes to food?!" Nami shouted.

"And by his calculations, he eats 5 meals a day," Sanji grumbled.

Terracotta came through the doors just then, "I heard the Captain is awake. I am the chef of this castle and I heard you have a big appetite." She spoke to Luffy, who had mistaken her for Igaram at first.

"Lady, I'm gonna eat enough meals for 3 days," Luffy told her.

"I don't plan on losing to your stomach," she had a cart of fresh fruits rolled in. "Would this tide you over until the feast is ready?"

"Sure," the food disappeared.

"Are you a magician?!" Usopp and Sanji shouted. I just laughed, good for you Luffy!

She left and we started preparing for the feast. Not too long later, we were led to a room with a long fancy table filled with food.

I gave a little bow to the king, "I would like to apologize for what you're about to witness." Vivi giggled at my apology, knowing exactly what I was apologizing for.

Within seconds, the whole room understood. They stared on in disgust as Luffy shoveled half the table into his mouth in one bite. We started fighting for the other half, and the cooks were already filling the table again.

I was laughing along with Vivi as the crew fought for their food. I laughed especially loud as Luffy stole a bite right off of Zoro's fork. I whacked Choppers back as he started choking on his food. "We need water over here!" Sanji called.

"Can I get another mug full?" Zoro raised his mug.

I smiled at my crew, my family. Vivi was also laughing, and the room began to follow her lead.

I ate slowly, knowing that the kitchen would bring out more. I even willingly let Luffy steal from my plate. He fought good, and he deserves to eat what he wants! Eventually everyone slowed down, and the food stopped coming out.

I patted my full belly, "that was really good!"

Sanji agreed, "I need to make sure to get some of these recipes."

My eyes brightened at that, I could eat this again!


Vivi proposed the idea of bathing together. "We have a magnificent bathhouse on the bottom floor. You all deserve to relax for the night," she said. Of course we couldn't refuse!

We had to wash up before getting in the water. "Hana! Let me help you with your back, it can't be easy for you with those wings!" Vivi said.

"I'll help too!"

I smiled at my friends, "thanks, you guys. Just watch the edges, they're very sharp!"

I relaxed as they worked on my back. "I wonder if a giant bathtub like this exists on a ship," Nami pondered.

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