Ch 20

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Bones. A huge pile of bones, and bodies so fresh I knew, they were the same as my winged hitchhikers.

I glanced at the one on my shoulder who had turned his head into my coat. "Just what the hell happened?"

He looked at me. A huge explosion was heard throughout the island. He turned his head to the sound, and I suppose that was my answer. I understood now.

If I didn't bring them with me, they'd all die here anyways.

"Okay. I get it." I took him away from the dragon graveyard. "I'll take all of you."

He perked his head up, chirping happily.

I smiled. "So, my realm is good enough for you guys?"

He shook his head. My eyebrow twitched.

"Why the hell not?"

He jumped down and led me to a river not too far away.

"You need a whole ass river?!"

He nodded in reply. Is it too late to back out?

I sighed, I already said I would. I can at least give it a shot. "You guys are helping me." I dragged us into my realm.

I had been staring at the space I meant to use for my orchard. I suppose...I could add a stream there. I frowned, I wouldn't have space for Zoro's storage.

I learned that these lizards are omnivores, so the fruit trees I plan to add would benefit them as well. I just need to figure out how to place everything.

I sighed, thinking about it won't get me anywhere. I expanded my realm as much as I could in one direction. I wasn't surprised when the size of my realm almost doubled. Zoro's strength is definitely on par with Luffy's.

I heard squawks of surprise all around me as they realized what happened. I laughed as they all jumped out of the trees to explore the new flying space. I grinned as they whistled happily. I took off my coat and flew to join them.

They screeched and whistled as I quickly overtook the flock. I laughed, I never knew flying with friends could be so fun! We chased each other around in the air for awhile. They followed me as I landed again. Several of them stayed near, curious about the wings that were so much bigger than their own.

My injured friend tried climbing back up to my shoulder, but without my coat he could only pierce my skin. I grabbed him and helped him up, the shallow cuts disappearing quickly.

"Shall we get started?" They whistled in agreement.


A few hours later, we had water!

I had to adjust the bottom of the realm a little bit for the stream, and the dragons helped me line it with rocks and sand. When I added in the water, I made sure to include a lot of the plants and creatures that had made the natural stream.

There was now a huge pond, big enough for humans to swim in. The stream ran all the way around the realm, connecting back into the pond. I also added soil into the empty spaces, but I couldn't add trees yet. I needed my boys to open a portal big enough for a whole tree.

The huge area of dirt was a little weird to see, but I'm sure grass and weeds would eventually grow.

"That's it for now guys. We'll continue another day!" They plopped down, exhausted. I laughed. I went into my storage, taking my injured friend with me. I should give him a name.

"This is my storage area. I don't know how much you eat, but you guys can help yourselves to anything in here. Just try to conserve it, yeah?" He nodded.

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