Ch 31

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"What?! A cannon ball will be shot into this square in 10 minutes?!" Usopp shouted.

"Yes, at exactly 4:30," Vivi confirmed.

"Everyone will be destroyed! Royal Army and Rebel Army! What can we do?!"

"We'll find the cannoneer," Zoro simply said. "We'll stop the attack."

"What? In 10 minutes?!"

"What else can we do?! We don't have time to think right?!"

"He's probably near the square," Vivi said.

Chopper was shocked, "he'd blow up even his own men?!"

"Let's go already," Zoro said.

I ran off first to get more eyes looking. I climbed up a building and let out a long shrill whistle. I couldn't chance bringing more dragons out, if things went wrong, I had to save as many of them as possible.

Baroque agents were everywhere. They were trying to eliminate the princess. All of the dragons that I had out were around me shortly.

"We're looking for a cannoneer, you see those big things on top of the wall?" I pointed to the ones on top of the palace. "It'll be like that, but single. And it will probably be guarded by a pair of weirdos. Vivi said it's probably somewhere near this palace square. Can I count on you?"

They squawked excitedly.

I smiled, "look out for rogue bullets, and don't go near the fighting. If you find it, tell Usopp. He'll send out the signal for the rest of us. Now go!"

They flew off in different directions. I reacted as I felt Luffy flaring for me. I rushed in his direction, leading me closer to the palace. I saw his hat floating in the wind and I caught it immediately. I put it in my room for safe keeping.

I felt him from above so I glanced up to see him slowly floating down. He must've been dried up by Crocodile, but he's alive. I caught him and as conspicuously as possible I gave him water through my realm.

"That was close! I almost died!" He shouted.

I laughed, "like a man like that could kill you, Lu. Go kick his ass."

"Right!" He got an irritated look on his face, "I saw him flying that way. I won't forgive him! That stupid Crocodile!" Luffy ran off to find him.

I went back to searching. There really wasn't much time left, the cannon had to be hidden in a building somewhere close by. Just as I thought that, a red pillar of smoke caught my attention. They found it!

I started making my way to it, but I paused as I sensed Zoro's location. Why the fuck is he all the way over there?! Ahh whatever. I continued towards the rest. Surely he could see the signal as well, he can't get lost even more than he is now.

Vivi and Usopp suddenly ran past me, but they were being pursued by Baroque agents. I kicked the first few that reached me, and it got the attention of the rest.

"Come and get me, Baroque Works!" I taunted. They charged with swords and guns, but before they could reach me, the marines jumped in front.

"You're on Straw Hats crew right?" One of the guys asked. "We've been sent to lend support. Go!"

Very confused, I turned and left. They weren't trying to trick me, that much I knew. As I ran in the direction I saw Usopp and Vivi run, I noticed a towering clock face. That must be where the cannon is, there's no other place.

I let out a shrill whistle and hid in a building. My dragons greeted me and I counted as I sent them back home. "Sorry, if that explosion does go off, I won't be able to save all of you," I explained. They went without complaint, and I'm sure they were satisfied with their work as much as I was.

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