Ch 22

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The next morning, I woke up to Usopp moving around the room.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you."

"It's fine," I tried moving, but Luffy's arms were preventing me from doing so. Usually, I would pull out some meat from my portals, he'd immediately cling to that instead. But I still can't feel energy. I hope my dragons are okay... "Usopp...can you help me out?"

"Yeah yeah," after that struggle, we left the room. "I'm gonna patch up the ship. Stupid hungry hungry hippo," he muttered.

"Okay," I glanced around trying to find Sanji who was on watch. I climbed up to see him sleeping in the crows nest. So much for being on watch. Ah well. He was bundled up in a blanket. It's been really cold for awhile, and calm.

"Sanjis sleeping up there, do you mind if I make something? You need something to fuel your repairs," he had already grabbed some wooden planks.

"Sorry for the trouble, thanks!" He said.

I walked into the kitchen and looked through what we had. Since he had already started, I suppose simple onigiri would be best. It's fast, and easy to make.

Not long after, I left the kitchen with a tray of various onigiri. I set it by Usopp and ate one quickly before setting to work as well.

"You guys are up early," Sanji called from above.

"I can't just sit idly doing nothing," Usopp said. I was holding the board up as he nailed them in. "We have to get out of this jam as soon as possible."

"Yeah, you're right." Sanji said around his cigarette.

We continued working until the sun got higher, we were almost done with the repairs now.

Vivi came out and explained that we've probably sailed into a winter island's climate, and that's why it's been so calm. Sanji looked around the horizon, hoping to find it.

"There, I see it!" He called. "There's an island!" He shouted down at us. A few moments later, Luffy ran out on deck.

"An island?!" He sat on Merry's figure head, watching as the island got closer. "An island! It's white! It must be snow! A snow island?!"

I smiled at his excitement, watching the distance as well.

"Oi, Luffy. Remember we're not here for an adventure, we have to find Nami a doctor. We're leaving once she's been seen," Sanji reminded him.

"Adventure finds us, Sanji. Not the other way around," I pointed out.

"Snow is so nice and white!" Luffy wasn't even paying attention. "I love snow! Snow is so white!" He mumbled with his hands together.

"Hey, aren't you guys cold?" Sanji asked me and Luffy. I am cold, but I really didn't want to put any weight on my shoulders. It can't be helped though, I'd freeze otherwise.

"Huh?" Luffy paused. "It's so cold!" He shivered.

"You're so slow!!!" Sanji and Usopp shouted at him. I laughed at the look on his face.

"Luffy, get me a jacket too please!" I yelled at him as he went to grab his own.

Now properly dressed, we sailed into a river mouth, cliffs all around it. We stopped near a waterfall. We discussed who was going doctor hunting.

"Stop right there, Pirates!" We heard someone shout. We were surrounded on all sides by armed citizens.

"These people don't seem too friendly..." Usopp mumbled. They all had angry looks on there faces, showing us that we were in no way welcome to greet the land.

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