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"Monkey D. Luffy," Mrs. All Sunday called out. "You haven't forgotten what you did to me, right?"

Sanji huffed and got right into his face, grabbing at his shirt. "Luffy! What'd you do to that beautiful lady, you bastard!"

"Please leave this ship," I heard Usopp asking politely. I laughed as he was hidden behind a pillar.

"Hey! Don't lie! I didn't do anything to you!" Luffy argued.

"Yes, you did. Take responsibility," she sat in her chair.

Sanji was still shaking him back and forth, and he struggled to speak. "You don't make any sense! Just what do you want me to do?!" He asked.

"Let me...join your crew." She said.

"What???!" Everyone shouted, jaws dropped. I smiled, yes! Luffy will let her stay!

"You made me live, when I wanted to die." She continued, "that is your crime. There's no place for me to go, or to go back to. So, let me stay on this ship."

"In that case, I guess we have no choice. You can stay," he said simply. I laughed at everyone's faces. "It's fine, she's not a bad person," he turned to us, grinning wide. Everyone's eyebrows twitched.

"I like her!" They looked at me. "She saved my life in Alabasta."

They sighed in resignation and just let it go. It's not like they could change things, Luffy's already decided.

Usopp decided to take the lead and begin an interrogation. She was sat at a table across from him, but she was playing with Chopper and Luffy. They were amazed at her devil fruit ability.

Usopp demanded her attention. I was sitting near Zoro, and we listened in to their conversation. Her name is Nico Robin, and she's an archeologist.

She told us her criminal history and I could now understand why her soul called to me as it did. She's been hiding from the marines this whole time.

I felt a pang of my own pain as hers was brought to the surface.

"I've gotten really good at sneaking around, I'm sure I'll be of some use to this crew."

"And what are you good at?" Usopp asked her.

She leaned forward onto her hand, and smiled. "Assassination."

Usopp almost fell back on his chair as he shot backwards, "this interrogation has concluded that this is way too dangerous!" He turned to see Luffy and Chopper being tickled by disembodied arms. "Are you guys even listening?!"

They were interrupted by Nami slamming her foot down. "You guys are pathetic, being dealt with so easily. She was the VP of a crime syndicate until just recently. How can we let such a woman join us?" Usopp started clapping. "You can't deceive me, if you pull any weird stunts, I'll kick you out myself."

Robin stayed quiet for a bit, thinking her words over. "Oh, I just remembered." She pulled out a bag, "I brought some of Crocodile's jewelry with me."

I snickered as Nami got stars in her eyes. She flew down to Robin, "oh I love you, big sister!"

"Hey, hey, hey..." Usopp and Zoro deadpanned.

"Nami got suckered!" Usopp whispered to us.

"That was a dirty trick," Zoro grumbled.

Our eyes widened as we saw hearts in the air. Sanji, I sighed. Well, at least I don't have to worry about him not accepting her.

"The two of us are the last holdouts," Zoro spoke to Usopp.

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