Ch 56

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I followed Sanji's signature to the mast mansion. I smiled as I passed many people simply sunbathing. They were so happy, so relieved. It felt good. I'm really glad I'm supporting this crew, a lot of others leave nothing but devastation and pain.

I got a few greetings and 'thank you's from the content pirates. I simply waved in return.

I paused when I reached the doorway. My dragons were already flying out with empty claws, having given Sanji their catch. They flew up my coat and I wrapped my wings again as they went home.

I exhaled slowly and stepped into the mansion. My eyes immediately zeroed in on Zoro, who was heavily bandaged and still knocked out on the table. My teeth throbbed. I inhaled sharply as I forced it away.

"Hana-chan!!! Thank you for the fish!" Sanji greeted, causing the rest of them to notice me. I smiled at everyone through my mask.

I held out my basket as he reached for it. "Do you need help cleaning them?"

"Go ahead and relax, my love. These guys are happy to help," he pointed his thumb. I glanced in that direction to see a few eager-to-please pirates.

"If you're sure...?"

"Of course! Are you hungry? I can have a few snacks ready in a minute."

At the reminder of food, my stomach roared. I glanced up to the chef as I felt his disappointment. "I may be a little hungry..."

"Hana-chan...did you eat at all when you were gone?" He asked me as he turned around to start cooking. I followed him obediently.

"Of course I did," I lied.

He turned to look into my eyes. His bright blue eyes, so full of kindness, so full of trust, immediately made me feel guilty for trying to lie.

"...I'm sorry..." I said softly.

He sighed and brought me closer to place his lips on my head. "Snack on this for now, okay?" He placed a tray of fruits on the nearest table. "I'll have something heavier in a bit."

"Thank you," I said. I resisted the urge to pour the contents of the plate down my throat. I had forgotten to eat yesterday, and only now did I realize how empty my stomach felt.

"Here you go," Sanji said as he placed a bunch of plates in front of me.

"This is too much, Sanji!" The food looked absolutely delicious, but I knew I wouldn't be able to finish it.

I felt a flare of his shock. I glanced up to see his eyes zeroed in on my lips, trying to see passed them. I turned away in embarrassment.

Sensing this, he let it go. "Eat what you can, Hana-chan. It's your first meal in 3 days." He sat down on the opposite side of me.

"3 days...?"

"You didn't eat yesterday, the day before that we were all passed out in the courtyard, and the day before that is when we arrived here," he listed the days on his slender fingers, and then gave me a pointed look. "This is your first meal today, right?"

My eyes widened a bit, that explains why I was so hungry. I lowered my eyes and dug my fork in. I knew how he felt about our meals. I messed up. "I really am sorry...something came up...I couldn't...I was trying to-"

"You don't have to say it, Hana," he told me as he exhaled his smoke. "You wouldn't have closed off like that if it wasn't important."

Disappearing wasn't uncommon for me. I have a whole world to myself after all. But they knew that I was available for them at anytime, for anything. So for me to tell them in clear words to leave me alone, it was definitely a cause for concern. But I'm glad they listened.

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